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Joining Domain

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Oct 26, 2000
I have a win2k advanced server that acts a domain controller in a domain called union.co.ae. The name of the domain controller is union. When i try to connect a win2k pro to it, i can not. Althought i write the name of the domain, which is union to in the domain box. My friend did the same thigs but using a .com way, and it worked. Is it possible that the .co.ae is the problem.
Note: there is another domani controller joined to this domain, which accepted the .co.ae without problems.
Note: the client only has DNS, and does not have a WIN service on it.
Note: the client is DHCP enabled.
Note: when i ping ip of the domain controller it works, but when i ping the name it does not work.

Please, if you have any hints, reply to this thread, this an academic project that should finish in a number of days. so any help is appreciated.

Make sure the DNS is working, because Win2K is relying on DNS to find a domain controller
As soon as you can ping the server by its name, it should work just fine Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Well, actually the DNS is not working well.
When i ping the client name from the DNS server it does not work, and vise-versa. However, when i ping another DC name within the same domain, it works just fine. Do you think this problem is related to the client or the server, and is it related to Dynamic DNS? Or DHCP?

Since we are talking about DNS, can i ask you a question? when i write NSLOOKUP, and it does not reply correctly, does that mean that DNS is faulty?????

NOTE: DNS is installed on the server, and the IP address of the DNS server is recorded in the client. DO i need to change any default falues there??

Thanks a lot for the hint.
I get the feeling that your problem is DNS related
If you check your DNS primary lookup zone, make sure the server name is listed there...
Are you using DHCP to assign IP addresses to your clients ?
If yes, try to make a manual TCP/IP config, and don't forget to set the DNS domain name in the client.

(My Computer - Properties - Network Identification - Properties - More
Primary Suffic of this computer = yourdomain.com)

Restart the client, and try to ping the server name...

If you DNS is working fine, you won't get any errors from running NSLOOKUP...

Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Actually, you have to ping the FQDN to get a DNS response, not the NETBIOS name. As a sidebar, Win9x or NT clients do not even use DNS to find a GC (to find a DC). This is only for Win2K clients.

Steve ----------------------------
Steven R. Tuttle
Senior Consultant, ePresence
That is exaclty what I was saying...

Win2K pro clients use DNS to find a DC,
so you should make sure that your DNS is working fine

Also, are you running in mixed mode or native mode ?
Mixed mode does not need a Global Catalog
Native mode does..

If your DNS is not working, you can also implement WINS Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Well, i still did not try to modify the DNS because i did not go to my workshop these 2 days, but something you said drew my attention. The server is running in Native mode, is this related to the problem? What about win2k pro, do you also have native and mixed modes???
Thanks for the co-operation The Smart Ant
Just one more question..my friend insists that the name .co.ae is the reason, and says that .com is the solution, is this true??? The Smart Ant
I went to my workstation today, i checked the server name, and it is listed there, I installed WINS, and the problem still exists. Still, when i write nslookup it does not work!!! help me, i can not do anything now. I have no more things to try..., is that domain.co.ae causing problem? should i reinstall the AD and DNS to change the name to domain.com!! The Smart Ant
Please tell me
1) what's the name of your domain and the name of your Win2k Advanced Server DC ???
2) did you find a "SRV" record for your DC in DNS mmc ??, cos' it should has a record there to let Win2K pro access it

Mohamed Aly

Salam Mohammed,
Well, my domain name is union.co.ae
I have two domain controllers, one is hosting the DNS and is called ugccom1, and another one is called comp1.
When i write nslookup, it shows me some words which i do not remember, but i remember two things, it says that this is not existent domain, and another thing it says that the server name is unknown, though it shows the IP address of the DNS server??
I do not know about the SRV record actually, this is the first time i hear about it. But i can see in the properties of the domain in the DNS, the name of the DNS server in the servers tab. Any help??? The Smart Ant
1) your DNS should have Zone called "union.co.ae" and a Reverse Zone named with the IP address range you use for your domain.

2) you have to find a record in your Zone records in DNS that list your DC with it's IP address and mark it as a Host record(A), or something (SRV)... this's not in the properties tabs but in the right pane of your "ZONE Records" which appears when you select a zone from the left pane in DNS mmc

3) try to NSLOOKUP fqdn of your DC
NSLOOKUP ugccom1.union.co.ae.
NSLOOKUP x.y.z.xxx "IP address of ugccom1.union.co.ae"

hope this would help YOU...

Mohamed Aly

I think there is no reverse lookup record for your DOmain controller

I'd suggest checking your DNS setup as soon as possible
Make sure you have a reverse lookup zone, and it contains at least the record for your domain controllers

Make sure you have a forward lookupzone union.co.ae
(the co.ae is NO problem at all !)
and check if it contains records for your domain controllers
Also, look for the SRV records.

The difference between mixed mode & native mode in terms of logging on :
To log on when your servers are in mixed mode : very easy, no additional setup required
When your servers are in native mode, you need at least one Global Catalog server.
The mode only affects the servers, but as I said you need a GC to be able to log on.
The first Active Directory DC in your domain is by default GC enabled, so I don't think this is the reason... I believe it is a plain DNS problem

Also, can you do a nslookup and post the reply in this forum ? Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Well, i checked that Host (A) record of the server and found it, everthing is fine, but i did not find anything that indicates the SRV thing! Is this a field listed in the record. I have took a screenshot of the forward lookup zone, i wish i could sent it to you so that you can examine it.

Regarding the reverse lookup zone, i have it, it shows the range, and some records, i also have a screenshot.

Tomorrow i will go to my workshop and nslookup the computer and tell you what happens.

Untill then, if it is ok to sent an attachment with the screenshots of the forward and reverse lookup zones to both of you (samara and peterve) i will be greateful because you can understand what happens.

Thanks a lot for your co-operation. I am waiting for your reply. The Smart Ant
sure, you can send it... I will have a look Peter Van Eeckhoutte

Sure, You can send it... and you're welcome

Mohamed Aly

Check DNS Dynamic Option is Checked in Win 2k domain controller.. That might help .
Thanks peterve for the e-mail.

I checked that ldap record, the name of the server exists. NOTE: there are two ldap records related to 2 DNS servers, ugccom1 and comp1.
i also checked that option of dynamic updates, it is set to yes.

but the problem did not get fixed yet.

There is a little thing, i did not know i should delegate zones, and today i did delegate them, and when i write

>nslookup i get the name of the default server and its ip address.

However, when i ping the name of the server i get the following:

>uslookup ugccom1
DNS request timed out
Time out was two seconds
***can't find server address for server ugccom1: time out

when i write nslookup union.co.ae , i get the following
>nslookup union.co.ae
server: union.co.ae
***union.co.ae can not find nslookup: non-existent domain

Before i delegate zones, i used to get default server: unknown when i just write >nslookup

Note, when i deleted zones, i wrote the FQDN of computers (ugccom1.union.co.ae), and resolved it, and the resolution was ok in both reverse and forward lookups. However, when i wrote the name UGCCOm1 alone without FQDN in the reverse lookup zone the name was not resolved, untill i wrote the FAQN.

Is this problem related to the type of the zone, because what i created was active directory integrated type. Should i change it to standrd primary?

Should i remove the other DNS server? thought i had the same problem before installing the second DNS server.

NOTE: in My network places of the server, i can see the workgroup of the win2kprofessional client, but when i try to access it, i can not. I get a message saying 'groupname' is inaccessible.

NOTE: In my network places of the client, i also see the union group, but i can not access it, i get a message saying that network path is invalid or sth like that.

NOTE: the other domain controller does not have service pack 1, while the active directory server has it. Is this causing problems???
Any hints, any suggestions?????

The Smart Ant
Man, you have to use FQDN when you use nslookup like...
NSLOOKUP (this called a HostName), and DNS reslove it to an IP address. While names like ugccom1 That you have used called "NetBIOS Names" and WINS reslove them into IP address.

For Windows2000 network in native mode, and when all the clients are Win2k there's no need to use WINS. you could rely completely on DNS.

Mohamed Aly
Opsss, sorry, i did not write nslookup ugccom1, i wrote ping ugccom1, but it seems i made a little spelling mistake, coz i was in a hurry. The Smart Ant
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