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Jet SQL RTRIM Doesn't work 1

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Technical User
Jun 28, 2004
I need to remove padded spaces from several fields, and the Trim(Name) and RTrim(Name) does not remove the spaces. Any suggestions?
BTW, this is Access 2003
Where did you get the data from? The spaces may not be the ordinary space character (32). It would be worth checking, something on these lines may suit:

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rs=CurrentDB.Openrecordset("NameOfTable")
For i=0 To Len(rs!FieldNameHere)
   Debug.Print Chr(Mid(rs!FieldNameHere,i,1))


COMBS ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ

I brought this data into my GIS, and found the padding actually to be the series of "y's" with a colon on top.
How do I get rid of this.
That should have been:

For i = 1 To Len(rs!FieldName) - 1
   Debug.Print Asc(Mid(rs!FieldName, i + 1, 1))

You could use similar code to replace the character (255), but DHookom's idea is probably easier.


Is there a way to identify the chr using a straight sql statement vs using the code function you've listed?

If the data is always padded to the far right with the characters (or the furthest right character is a Space) then in your Field box try using something like:
Trimmed: Trim(Replace([YourField],Right(Trim([YourField]),1)," "))
That will take to rightmost character of a trimmed version of your field, replace it with a space and then trim the result.

Hope this helps

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Another couple of ideas:

Replace one character:
UPDATE Table A SET A.Field1 = Replace([Field1],Chr(255),"");

Delete everything from the first ÿ to the end of the line:
UPDATE Table A SET A.Field1 = Left([Field1],Instr([Field1],Chr(255))-1)

You may run into problems if your field does not allow zero-length strings or if any of the fields are null, but it is possible to work around that.

I just tried the above and it did not work.

What I did do that worked was:

update table set field = mid(field1,1, instrrev(field1," ")-1)

fortunately there was a space just before the "wierd Y's".

I will try your (the above) code again. It is one I would like to keep in my library, if I can get it to work.

If this is a one time shot, you can try
- open the table in datasheet
- place your cursor in the field
- select Edit-> Replace
- hold the alt key and enter 0255 in the Find What
- leave the Replace With blank
- set the Match to any part of the field
- Look in either the field or table
- click Replace All

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP
Thanks, but this will not be a one time shot.
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