Hey guys
I am running a batch file that is suppose to populate a sql server 2005 database. but when I run it, I get this error.
"unable to connect to data source jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://cc-rizwan:1433;DatabaseName = ATSDEMO;SELECTMETHOD = CURSOR; JAVA.SQL.SQLEXCEPTION [Microsoft][SQLSERVER 2000 drive for JDBC] error establishing socket
Exception in thread main java.lang.nullpointerexception"
I have installed the jdbc drive for sql server and copied the files over to JRE/lib/ext. I dont understand why its giving me an error. I thing to notice is that it is not asking me for an admin login and password for sql server. Do you think thats why it is giving me that error????
I am running a batch file that is suppose to populate a sql server 2005 database. but when I run it, I get this error.
"unable to connect to data source jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://cc-rizwan:1433;DatabaseName = ATSDEMO;SELECTMETHOD = CURSOR; JAVA.SQL.SQLEXCEPTION [Microsoft][SQLSERVER 2000 drive for JDBC] error establishing socket
Exception in thread main java.lang.nullpointerexception"
I have installed the jdbc drive for sql server and copied the files over to JRE/lib/ext. I dont understand why its giving me an error. I thing to notice is that it is not asking me for an admin login and password for sql server. Do you think thats why it is giving me that error????