Technical User
Hi all,
*Might be a better forum for this.... Please let me know.
I know this is a little left field, but I was having a discussion with a friend of mine who works for Verizon regarding functionality within web pages.
I am a fixer of PCs and as such have very little knowledge of how web pages are put together, but as an experienced end user I get to know how much a website is useful to me.
I know that a lot of webmail providers (gmail for example) are using AJAX to work server side and with the client to update the page without the browser having to be refreshed.
Tonight we were both looking at train times in the UK and one website we looked at would suggest what train station you meant as you were typing and the other did not. As we live in Henley on Thames (UK) the place name can get confused with Henley in Arden.
I suggested that this was down to a neat little Javascript that was on the website (and after looking at the source code I think it is!), but my Verizon buddy (who for some reason dislikes Javascript (perhaps because his employees can take it open source rather than code it themselves)) seems to disagree..... He also dismisses the usefulness of AJAX.
My argument was (and still is!) that this little script makes it far easier as an end consumer, and therefore influences my choice of provider for the same information. I would choose the website that had the Javascript above the one that didn't even though the user interface is almost identical.
One less click is one step away from RSI!
I would be very interested to hear everyones opinion on the most useful scripts and the sites that they are used on.... And also those that think I am wrong!
The two sites that we were looking at are as follows:
I would also like to say that I don't work for either of these companies or the people that designed their websites... I have no interest at all. The only interest I have is that everyone that I know uses the former as it is the rail company that runs to our town, and I use the latter as it is a better site even just for our locale.
What say you lot?
*Might be a better forum for this.... Please let me know.
I know this is a little left field, but I was having a discussion with a friend of mine who works for Verizon regarding functionality within web pages.
I am a fixer of PCs and as such have very little knowledge of how web pages are put together, but as an experienced end user I get to know how much a website is useful to me.
I know that a lot of webmail providers (gmail for example) are using AJAX to work server side and with the client to update the page without the browser having to be refreshed.
Tonight we were both looking at train times in the UK and one website we looked at would suggest what train station you meant as you were typing and the other did not. As we live in Henley on Thames (UK) the place name can get confused with Henley in Arden.
I suggested that this was down to a neat little Javascript that was on the website (and after looking at the source code I think it is!), but my Verizon buddy (who for some reason dislikes Javascript (perhaps because his employees can take it open source rather than code it themselves)) seems to disagree..... He also dismisses the usefulness of AJAX.
My argument was (and still is!) that this little script makes it far easier as an end consumer, and therefore influences my choice of provider for the same information. I would choose the website that had the Javascript above the one that didn't even though the user interface is almost identical.
One less click is one step away from RSI!
I would be very interested to hear everyones opinion on the most useful scripts and the sites that they are used on.... And also those that think I am wrong!
The two sites that we were looking at are as follows:
I would also like to say that I don't work for either of these companies or the people that designed their websites... I have no interest at all. The only interest I have is that everyone that I know uses the former as it is the rail company that runs to our town, and I use the latter as it is a better site even just for our locale.
What say you lot?