Hello all,
I have a silly mistake in thos validation script for a dropdown box.
"object expected"
I hope that is all the infomation you need.
I know its only a small script but im kind of a beginner - Can you help?
- Doh
I have a silly mistake in thos validation script for a dropdown box.
"object expected"
function valformstart(start)
strError = ""
if(start.customer.value == "") {
strError += "Please select your title\n"
<img src="images/continue.gif" name="submitbut" onMouseOver="swapImage2(1)" onMouseOut="swapImage2(3)" onclick="valformstart (start);" style="cursor:hand" border="0" />
<SELECT NAME="customer"onchange="doSel(this)">
<OPTION VALUE="">Choose...
<OPTION VALUE="New Customer">New Customer
<OPTION VALUE="location.href='default.asp?id=9&employer=asda'">Existing Customer
<OPTION VALUE="Previous">Previous Customer
<form name="start" method="POST" action="default.asp?id=<%=id%>">
I hope that is all the infomation you need.
I know its only a small script but im kind of a beginner - Can you help?
- Doh