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Javascript Form Validation

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Nov 17, 2003

Q ) Below is my code & I keep getting an error , where am I wrong ? And I am also not getting the age validation part right. I want it to be a number & between 1& 100, how to write that ???



// check for valid email address format //

function validEmail(email) {

invalidChars = &quot; /:,;&quot;;

if (email == &quot;&quot;) return false;

for (i = 0; i < invalidChars.length; i++) {
badChar = invalidChars.charAt(i);

if (email.indexOf(badChar, 0) > -1) return false;

atPos = email.indexOf(&quot;@&quot;, 1);

if (atPos == -1) return false;

if (email.indexOf(&quot;@&quot;, atPos + 1) != -1) return false;

periodPos = email.indexOf(&quot;.&quot;, atPos);

if (periodPos == -1) return false;

if (email.lastIndexOf(&quot;.&quot;) + 3 > email.length) return false;
if (email.length > email.lastIndexOf(&quot;.&quot;) + 4) return false;

return true;

// check for valid Postal code which is either 5 or 9 digit zip with a hyphen after 5 digits.//

function validateZIP(zipfield) {
var valid = &quot;0123456789-&quot;;
var hyphencount = 0;

if (field.length!=5 && field.length!=9 && field.length!=10) {
return false;

for (var i=0; i < field.length; i++) {
temp = &quot;&quot; + field.substring(i, i+1);
if (temp == &quot;-&quot;) hyphencount++;
if (valid.indexOf(temp) == &quot;-1&quot;) {
return false;
if ((field.length ==9) | | (field.length == 10)){
if ((hyphencount != 1) && (field.charAt(5)!=&quot;-&quot;)) {
return false;
return true;

// Check if name fields are valid characters//

function alphaOnly(theString) {
var OK = true;
for (var i=0;i<theString.length;i++) {
theChar = theString.charAt(i);
if ( (theChar >= &quot;a&quot;) && (theChar <= &quot;z&quot;) )
if ( (theChar >= &quot;A&quot;) && (theChar <= &quot;Z&quot;) )
OK = false;
return OK;

// check if number fields are numeric//

function numbersOnly(theString) {
var OK = true;
for (var i=0;i<theString.length;i++) {
theChar = theString.charAt(i);
if ((theChar < &quot;0&quot;) || (theChar > &quot;9&quot;)) {
OK = false;
return OK;


function ValidateInput(form) {

var LB = &quot;\n&quot;; // my notation for Line Break
var msghdr = &quot;Please fill out your:&quot; + LB + LB;
var msg = &quot;&quot;;

if (!form.First.value) msg += &quot;First Name&quot; + LB;
else if (!alphaOnly(form.First.value)) msg += &quot;Invalid First Name&quot; + LB;

if (!form.Last.value) msg += &quot;Last Name&quot; + LB;
else if (!alphaOnly(form.Last.value)) msg += &quot;Invalid Last Name&quot; + LB;

if (!form.Address.value.length == 0) msg += &quot;Address&quot; + LB;

if (!form.City.value) msg += &quot;City&quot; + LB;
else if (!alphaOnly(form.City.value)) msg += &quot;Invalid City Name&quot; + LB;

if (!form.State.value) msg += &quot;State&quot; + LB;
else if (!alphaOnly(form.State.value)) msg += &quot;Invalid State Code&quot; + LB;

if (!form.Postal.value) msg += &quot;Postal Code&quot; + LB;
else if (!validateZIP(form.Postal.value)) msg += &quot;Invalid Postal Code&quot; + LB;

if (form.Age.value.length == 0 || parseInt(form.Age.value) == 0) msg += &quot;Age&quot; + LB;
else if (!numbersOnly(form.Age.value)) msg += &quot;Invalid Age&quot; + LB;

if (!form.Income.options[form.Income.selectedIndex].value == &quot;0&quot;) msg += &quot;Income&quot; + LB;

if (form.Sex[0].checked == false && form.Sex[1].checked == false) msg += &quot;Sex&quot; + LB;

if (!form.EMail.value){
msg += &quot;Email Address&quot; + LB;
else if (!validEmail(form.EMail.value)) {
msg += &quot;Invalid Email Address&quot; + LB;

// Display an alert if any of the input is missing:
if (msg.length > 0){
alert(msghdr + msg);
return false;
else return true;



<BODY BGCOLOR=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;>
For validating numbers you can use this javascript function..

<script LANGUAGE=&quot;javascript&quot;>
function OnlyNumeric(intAllowDecimal)
var KeyAscii = window.event.keyCode;

if (intAllowDecimal==1 && KeyAscii == 46)
if ( KeyAscii < 48 || KeyAscii > 57 )
{ window.event.keyCode = 0; }

And you call the above in the following way..
<INPUT type=&quot;text&quot; id=text1 name=text1 onkeypress=&quot;OnlyNumeric(1)&quot; maxlength=3>

Hope this is helpful..
you should have a look to regular expression

function numbersOnly(szString)
var RegEx = new RegExp();
RegEx = /^\d+$/

return (RegEx.test(szString));

for the age between 1 & 100

if (numbersOnly(age) && parseInt(age) > 1 && parseInt(age) < 100)
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