This site is moving soon to my hosting account. The account owner has said that when click on the pictures on this page it displays larger size below. He says frontpage extension is needed to function as he said. I installed frontpage extension from cpanel successfully, however the functionality with pictures is not there yet. I wonder if you can comment on problem and help top resolve it. What is the issue with pictures are not appear larger size below the page when clicked on them. When you move mouse over the picture you will see the script running below the screen footer: it is
This site is moving soon to my hosting account. The account owner has said that when click on the pictures on this page it displays larger size below. He says frontpage extension is needed to function as he said. I installed frontpage extension from cpanel successfully, however the functionality with pictures is not there yet. I wonder if you can comment on problem and help top resolve it. What is the issue with pictures are not appear larger size below the page when clicked on them. When you move mouse over the picture you will see the script running below the screen footer: it is