Is it possible to have Java code running on a Unix box monitoring MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queue). Or is there a Java equvilant of MSMQ? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Jeff Marler B-)
Thanks for your response!
MSMQ is Microsoft Message Queue. It is a message queueing system offered by Microsoft for asynchronous functionality. However, it is very COM/ActiveX oriented and I need a similar tool that will work with both COM/ActiveX and Java.
I have been looking at JMS and a product called Fiorano which uses JMS and offers a bridge to ActiveX objects and I am thinking that this is going to be the best bet . . . I still need to play with it a bit first before I am sure.
I have also been looking at another product called System8, but at the moment, I am leaning more towards Fiorano.
Does anyone have any experience with these products?
- Jeff Marler B-)
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