I've just about finished coding my application and want to deploy it in a JAR file.
The app using the javamail API which is supplied in a JAR file of it's own. At the moment I'm running my app from within the NetBeans IDE and I have the javaMail and Validation class JAR's mounted in the project.
I can put their locations in the PATH variable for this machine but obviously if I want to deploy my app to other machines I'd rather not have to start updating env variables every time.
Is it possible to include these other JAR files in my main JAR file so that I only have one to distribute?
The app using the javamail API which is supplied in a JAR file of it's own. At the moment I'm running my app from within the NetBeans IDE and I have the javaMail and Validation class JAR's mounted in the project.
I can put their locations in the PATH variable for this machine but obviously if I want to deploy my app to other machines I'd rather not have to start updating env variables every time.
Is it possible to include these other JAR files in my main JAR file so that I only have one to distribute?