We have some IX workplaces on a IP500 V2 11.1 Essential Edition with a softphone licence.
We can make and receive calls but we don't have the option below that we did have in our test version on a Preferred edition.
We do use TLS and did load the certificate.
Is this normal behaviour or should the FeatureManager also work on an Essential Edition with a softphone licence.
Or do we perhaps need a different licence to get this to work on an Essential Edition??
The documentation of Avaya is not all that clear.
We can make and receive calls but we don't have the option below that we did have in our test version on a Preferred edition.
We do use TLS and did load the certificate.

Is this normal behaviour or should the FeatureManager also work on an Essential Edition with a softphone licence.
Or do we perhaps need a different licence to get this to work on an Essential Edition??
The documentation of Avaya is not all that clear.