I setup an audit logger to log any changes made to records in access. The issue I am having is that whenever the logger runs it is only catching at most 4 changes at a time, but if I step through my code it will log every single change made.
If anyone can help me figure this out it would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my code:
"Why would I ever want to learn about programming when Micorsoft products would be able to handle even the simplest of tasks. Oh...wait a minute...something's wrong with that statement!
If anyone can help me figure this out it would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my code:
Public Function WriteAudit06(frm As Form, lngID As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo err_WriteAudit06
Dim ctlC As Control
Dim ctlCName As String
Dim ctlCOldValue As String
Dim fldF As Field
Dim strSQL As String
Dim bOK As Boolean
Dim strFormID As String
Dim strUserID As String
bOK = False
strFormID = "09"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strUserID = GetUserName_TSB
' For each control.
For Each ctlC In frm.Controls
If TypeOf ctlC Is TextBox Or TypeOf ctlC Is ComboBox Or TypeOf ctlC Is CheckBox Then
ctlCName = ctlC.Name
If IsNull(ctlC.OldValue) Then
ctlCOldValue = "Null"
ctlCOldValue = ctlC.OldValue
End If
If ctlC <> ctlC.OldValue Or IsNull(ctlC.OldValue) Then
If Not IsNull(ctlC) Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblDbLog (RecordID, UserID, DbID, FrmID, ActivityID, FieldChanged, FieldChangedFrom, FieldChangedTo, DateOfHit) " & _
"SELECT" & "'" & Form_frmIMStationsNewRequestLog.RequestNumber & "', " & _
"'" & strUserID & "', " & _
"'" & "06" & "', " & _
"'" & strFormID & "', " & _
"'" & "01" & "', " & _
"'" & ctlCName & "', " & _
"'" & Replace(ctlCOldValue, "'", "''") & "', " & _
"'" & Replace(ctlC, "'", "''") & "', " & _
"'" & Now() & "'"
'Debug.Print strSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
End If
End If
End If
Next ctlC
WriteAudit06 = bOK
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Exit Function
'MsgBox Err.Description
Resume exit_WriteAudit06
End Function
"Why would I ever want to learn about programming when Micorsoft products would be able to handle even the simplest of tasks. Oh...wait a minute...something's wrong with that statement!