I'm trying to insert a date, start time and end time that is entered in a form. I keep getting an error stating that there is a sytax error at the Me.Mon_Start location.
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Table1 (Float_Date, Start_Date, End_Date) VALUES (#" & dtCurr & "# , " & Me.Mon_Start & " , " & Me.Mon_End & " )"
dtCurr is a Date variable.
The destination fields for the times are Date/Time fields. The field in the form and table are short time fields. When the error appears it shows the value as 8:00:00 AM.
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Table1 (Float_Date, Start_Date, End_Date) VALUES (#" & dtCurr & "# , " & Me.Mon_Start & " , " & Me.Mon_End & " )"
dtCurr is a Date variable.
The destination fields for the times are Date/Time fields. The field in the form and table are short time fields. When the error appears it shows the value as 8:00:00 AM.