Hola muchachos!
I´ve run the ISA "Allow Inbound VPN Connections" and activate the RRAS service in my machine.
After this, i can connect to my machine thru the internet and the connection works well, with my clientes get DHCP address and solving names w/o problems.
However i can access the properties of RRAS server in MMC console. Resuming: RRAS services is working but i can cahnge any properties, like the range of ip addresses that i want to give to these clientes.
I´ve run the ISA "Allow Inbound VPN Connections" and activate the RRAS service in my machine.
After this, i can connect to my machine thru the internet and the connection works well, with my clientes get DHCP address and solving names w/o problems.
However i can access the properties of RRAS server in MMC console. Resuming: RRAS services is working but i can cahnge any properties, like the range of ip addresses that i want to give to these clientes.