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Is Windows 2000 slower than Windows NT

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Aug 8, 2000
Is it me or is this the case. I just installed Windows 2000 on two machines and even though everything is running ok it seems much slower than windows nt when file browsing over the network. We have a NT file server with all our production files on it (we are designers) and the Windows 2000 machines are much slower when browsing this server. I have taken off all the unnecessaruy crap like menu transitions but this is still the case.

Any help?

Samm - Insomnious.com

Win2K is definitely much more of a resource hog than NT 4.0. The more memory the better with Windows 2000. How much memory do your workstations have? I don't run Win2K with anything less than 192 megs of RAM. I don't have the patience for the slow screen draws and disk thrashing that occur with any less.
Both the machines that are running W2K are 256 Megs of RAM and they are still slow. There is no disk thrashing or memory hogging. I think its cos they try to make it look so damn pretty that they sacrifice speed.

Micsoft shmicrosoft...
samm / Kerrikk

I too am having this same issue. With a brand new Dell OptiPlex 128 MB RAM - 667 mhz - 100 NIC.

Win2K - Pro. I created one file on our main NT 4 server, with about 9 or 10 MS Word docs in it. It takes me well over 45 seconds just to open the connection to server. Same amount of time to open the folder to see the contents. I looked around at protocols and services, yet everything seemed to be fine.

An interesting point: my Win2k box can quickly scan our Novell Server (no delays openning mapped drives at all). As I type this, I just thought of something - do you think it may have anything to do with a drive not being mapped directly to the root of my NT server? Now that I think about it, the one drive that I do have mapped to our NT server (our N: drive) opens very quick. Once in a while, it will have a red "X" over the drive, but I think that occurs when the network connection is idle.

I may have answered my own question. I will try some different network drive mappings on Monday and update the forum.

have you guys happen to check to see how much reasourses, or speed you give to ForeGround(Applications) and background activity(like Server connections and what not)

you may have near 100% privilages to only forground, or viceversa. [sig]<p>Karl<br><a href=mailto:kb244@kb244.com>kb244@kb244.com</a><br><a href= </a><br>Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)<br>
Update -

Well, I wasn't able to map a drive to the root, however I did map another folder and the connection was fast. Very fast. No delay browsing the folder.

Karl, were you talking about on my NT 4 server or on the Win2K workstation? My server is setup for Max Network Throughput. No boost to foreground apps.

not sure - where would I look to obtain that info on a Win2K Pro machine?

Thanks ~ [sig][/sig]
I too am having this problem, except it is all network operations when connected. I have Novell servers for the main systems and CAD is running on a NT4 server. When I am not attached to the NT4 domain, opening network drives is fast and most networked operations are fast (with the exception of loading nwadmin) When I connect to the NT4 domain again everything network related screeches to a halt. The client machine is a Dell Optiplex, and the servers are HP.

-To change the foreground/background settings goto control-panel > Settings > advanced tab > performance options button and select backgroud to give equal timeslices to both foregroud and background.-
I dont know about the rest of you all, but Win2k (not server, just the pro version) certainly runs faster for me, than the NT4 WorkStations I use at work.

but then again
my machine is a 800Mhtz , 384Meg Rams, with total of 133 Gigs of Harddisk space. Karl Blessing aka kb244{fastHACK}
I find that 2k pro runs faster than NT4, but starting any operation is slower.

Server is faster all round as a file and print server. More stable too.

Agree it is more of a memory hog, but it runs fine on a dual P III 550 with 512MB RAM...
I have noticed some of these issues between the WinNT/Novell mixed network at my location. Try this:

Right-click on 'My Network Places' and select properties.
On the menu bar, select 'Advanced', then 'Advanced Settings'
For the provider order, set the Microsoft Windows Network at the top, then Novell second.

I have tried this here on our Win2K machines, and it has a tremendous effect on the Microsoft-side speed, with no noticable difference on the Novell side.

It does appear to be faster to have the drive mapped and then browse, instead of using a run->UNC command.
I switched from windows 98 to 2000 pro on my home machine (400 celeron with 128 meg of ram) and it was tons faster.
Win2K definitely runs faster for me, although it does take a tad longer to load than NT 4. Definitly hungry, though!
Win2k run faster for me compare to winnt. I have 128 RAM, 6G HDD, and 1G Athalon (overclocked) lovin it specially playin games.
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