This is our Internet and Computer acceptable use policy. The powers that be seem to think it is enough to cover the company under all circumstances. I on the other hand, after looking at sample policies on the internet, am starting to wonder why other companies have policies which are pages and pages long. Can you read my policy and let me know what you think? This way I can produce some evidence from people in the field to show the powers that be why we should keep or revamp the current policy. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Our e-mail, computer and Internet systems are company property. These systems are in place to facilitate your ability to do your job efficiently and productively to that end, these systems are solely for business purposes, and any personal use is prohibited. We may intercept, monitor, copy, review and download any communications or files you create or maintain on these systems. These guidelines MUST be followed.
1: When using the Internet, confidential material must be properly encrypted to prevent interception by third parties.
2: E-mail messages may not reveal trade secrets, proprietary financial information, or infringe upon copyrighted materials.
3: All user passwords must be disclosed to the company. This includes logon and encryption passwords.
Your communications and use of our e-mail, computer and Internet systems will be held to the same standard as all other business communications. This includes compliance with our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. We expect you to use good judgment in your use of our company’s system. [User name here] should be notified of unsolicited, offensive materials received by any employee on any of these systems.
Failure to abide by these rules or consent to any interception, monitoring, copying, reviewing and downloading of any communications or files is grounds for discipline, up to and including termination.
Our e-mail, computer and Internet systems are company property. These systems are in place to facilitate your ability to do your job efficiently and productively to that end, these systems are solely for business purposes, and any personal use is prohibited. We may intercept, monitor, copy, review and download any communications or files you create or maintain on these systems. These guidelines MUST be followed.
1: When using the Internet, confidential material must be properly encrypted to prevent interception by third parties.
2: E-mail messages may not reveal trade secrets, proprietary financial information, or infringe upon copyrighted materials.
3: All user passwords must be disclosed to the company. This includes logon and encryption passwords.
Your communications and use of our e-mail, computer and Internet systems will be held to the same standard as all other business communications. This includes compliance with our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. We expect you to use good judgment in your use of our company’s system. [User name here] should be notified of unsolicited, offensive materials received by any employee on any of these systems.
Failure to abide by these rules or consent to any interception, monitoring, copying, reviewing and downloading of any communications or files is grounds for discipline, up to and including termination.