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Is there any free assemblers with windows gui ? 1

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Technical User
Oct 11, 2002
Hi I would like to start programming in intel-assembler
in a windows enviroment. I run Win98 and I've checked
MASM32, but that program doesn't allow you to get any output
to DOS, its only for windowsprogramming ? Am I correct ?

Is there any commercial packages soley devoted to assembly programming ?
I'm not sure if there even is another free GUI besides MASM32. I looked for one too but didn't find one. I just wrote my own GUI that did exactly what I wanted it to. You might want to try that if you can't find another free GUI.
~ TripleFault !)

No it's not correct. I haven't used MASM32 for console programming, but it do has a switch to compile for console (DOS) /SYSTEM:CONSOLE

If you want to compile into real DOS program use MASM less than version 6.11

Hope it helps a bit

-- AirCon --
Thanks, AirConn no it didn't help. Maybe because
I am such a beginner..
I would be very greatful if someone could
mail me a Hello-world program that writes out to
DOS console and that runs under MASM32.
Kindest regards,
I assumed you already have MASM32 package.
Compile this code using BldAllC.BAT (in MASM32\BIN directory).


.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none ; case sensitive

; #####
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include \masm32\include\masm32.inc

includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
; #####

HelloMsg db 13,10,'Hello World',13,10,0

invoke StdOut, addr HelloMsg
invoke ExitProcess, 0


-- AirCon --
Hi AirCon! I copied and pasted into notepad, to get rid
of the formatting, opened in "quick editor" and saved in
new directory with a copy of BldAllC.bat. Ran the bat-file
by double-clicking on it. It complained about rsrc.res.
Then I went to project menu and did "Assemble ASM file", "Link OBJ File". Got a .exe-file. Tryed to run it,nothing happens.

Ran BldAllC.bat again,it didn't complain about rsrc.res but now it says that:
Assembling: .asm
MASM : fatal error A1000: cannot open file : .asm
It must be the case that the copying add some tokens
that the assembler doesn't like ?
If you use QEditor use "Console Build All"
Try again.

Good luck

-- AirCon --
Thanks a lot AirCon it works! Do you also know, where I can find more sources to run under masm32 with dos output ?
I am especially interested to find examples of code that shows writing/reading to Com-ports, lpt-port and read/write of files.
By the way, why must I open up a dos-console and run it by typing instead of just double clicking it ?
Thanks alot again.
Because it call ExitProcess. So it will close down the application (including the DOS-window)

Replace the code earlier with this, you can run it with double click on the exe file

HelloMsg db 13,10,'Hello World',13,10,13,10,
'Press ENTER to close...',0

Buffer dw ?


invoke StdOut, addr HelloMsg
invoke StdIn, addr Buffer, 1
invoke ExitProcess, 0

Look here for using COM port:

You can also check out for Console function at MSDN

For more examples I don't know exactly where you can find, maybe you can search for it (

-- AirCon --
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