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Is there a way to push printers out to clients?

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Jul 17, 2002
Setting up a new server here and was wondering if there was a way (GP maybe?) to push printer installs out to clients so that I don't have to touch each one? Any ideas?

Thanks! You were born an original. Don't die a copy!
Here's a VB script that will do it, which is also in thread96-425758.

You can always put users in a certain OU and then use Group Policy logon scripts with a scritp like the following. You will need to edit the "\\server\printer" parts with objects unique to your network and you may need to expand the array.

Mitch Huey
Systems Engineer

' VBScript Source File
' NAME: mapprinters.vbs
' AUTHOR: Mitch Huey, POD, Inc.
' DATE : 12/2/2002
' COMMENT: Maps network printers

Option Explicit

Dim x
Dim wshNetwork
Dim printer(4)

printer(0) = "\\server\printer"
printer(1) = "\\server\printer"
printer(2) = "\\server\printer"
printer(3) = "\\server\printer"
printer(4) = "\\server\printer"

On Error Resume Next

Set wshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

' Add printers
For x = 0 To 4
wshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection printer(x)
End If

will this script work on a NT server

Jason Rich Cook -- "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
on the windows 2000 resource kit or ther is a utility called con2prt it goes in the system32 folder and you just add a command to your logon script. It has the directions on the CD.
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