The processor ?? it's an ACS rel 4? that's 8 ext's, the 2 308's give you 16 ext's that's 24, unless your talking about a Partner processor rel 4??, then it shouldn't even see the 308's, clarify what you have
Could be that you have an empty slot causing one of your 308's not to come up, how are they positioned from left to right? Shold be [308-308-ACS-VMS-empty]
1. The processor ?? it's an ACS rel 4? that's 8 ext's, the 2 308's give you 16 ext's that's 24, unless your talking about a Partner processor rel 4??, then it shouldn't even see the 308's, clarify what you have.
2. If you have an Avaya Partner ACS R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 or R6, you currently have a system that will handle 9 telephone lines and 24 extensions.
If you have an Avaya Partner ACS R7, your system, as built, will handle 11 telephone lines and 25 extensions.
Are you looking for a configuration that will handle 24 extensions (as in 24 telephone sets) or 24 telephone
3. Could be that you have an empty slot causing one of your 308's not to come up, how are they positioned from left to right? Shold be [308-308-ACS-VMS-empty
Partner processor 4.0 in center slot, 308 to right, vm to left, 308 far left
I am told that this system should recognize 8 CO's and 41 extensions at full capacity. Using 2 x 012..what ever that is? In stead of using the 308's
For now I would like to see it recognize 8 lines and 24 extensions.
It must be reconizing at least one 308 as it is providing 16 extensions now...but is not reconiziging the 2nd has been suggested I use the far left slot...will try that too.
Skip & Russ are right on target. When placing modules in the 5 slot carrier, you want to populate from the left to the right and have the processor in the center slot.
The 012 module is not compatable with the R4 processor. If the processor can be upgraded to R5 or R6 level, you can use (2) 012s for a grand total of 9 telephone lines and 48 extensions.
Here's a quick tip about the 5 slot carrier. There are 2 versions of the ACS carrier. The oldest one seats the modules very close together and can increase the chance of heat related failure. The latest version spaces the modules out slightly and allows for better cooling.
The oldest verison looks something like this (minus the front cover):
Shifted cards to have process centered the 2 308EC's on the left side and got extension 26 on the line port of the second 308EC (next to the Processor module)
now instead extension 26 ringing, the the extension is silent with the lights coming on up in a carzy sequence when we dial in fom the outside for a test
Hi loydnomsg,
Yes. You can upgrade up to R6 via an upgrade card. The process is extremely simple. Be careful and buy from an authorized Avaya dealer. The upgrade card can only be used once for upgrades. That means a used one will not help you.
Have you corrected the ports for the voicemail since it was moved? Try the test with all extensions removed from #505, 7. Pull the voicemail as well. If this works, reinstall the voicemail and program the voicemail ports again. 32 would be the first on with Partner Messaging R(1,6 or 7).
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