Do a search on your computer for WAB. In the Search menu type *.WAB and hit search. this will find your Windows Address Book. I will have to do some checking as far as your email on what to do, it is alittle tricky in outlook express. If you re-post this in the E-mail issues Forum you may get a faster respones.
In Win98, Outlook Express folders are usually located in subfolders in C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Identities. Just copy the identities folder to a cdr. The address book is usually in C:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book
I would also like to add that the email is filed in the so called "name.dbx" files If I'm not mistaken. Therefore you can find you email files by doing a search for all files of the type *.dbx and then you can manipulate them accordingly.
Also the default location where Oulook express saves email is at:
Drive:\Windows\Application Data\Identities\(your identity)\Microsoft\Outlook Express. That's were the *.dbx file is to be found with your email.
Hence you may save these *.dbx files and after reformating reload the files in the HD and ask OExpress to find them!
Note that in the path given above the term (your identity) will be a long Hexadecimal string eg. of the form:6CAF83DE-A2A5-10D0-87AD-XXXXXXXXXXXX (similar not this one). When you see it you are in the right track.
As far as the location is concerned your "ADDRESS BOOK" can be found at:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book\longknife.wab or "your name.wab".
Make sure you save it on the auxiliary CDW you mentioned.
I hope these are of help to you.
Good luck.
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