I would like to know if is possible to have different columns in crossTab report with different data from different fields.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You can have more than one summary field, if that is what you are looking for. You simply click on the second field in which you are interested, and select "set summarized field".
Thank you for your response, but let me explain myself more clear. what i have now, is the row of users and column of activity name and Crossing each user is the time entered against that activity for that specific user, and then the total of all those activity's timeentries for that user. what else I need now is that I want to add the percentage of that timeentry in another column right beside the time entry. Is that possible?
I'm not sure if that is possible - I'm just starting to understand the full capabilities of cross-tabs myself. But I recommend that you read another thread that has recently started up. It was posted by "geoffreyg" on 4/23 titled "Formula within a Cross-Tab". He is also trying to get a percentage in his cross-tab. That thread might be helpful to you. (It is listed within the Crystal Reports General Forum)
My Friends I have a problem designing a cross tab report.
The layout should be something like this.
The lableID is the row section. There can be multiple identical LableID's but with Different Characteristics: So if I have 3 LableID's with a value of 3 then each of them will have different Charactiristics displayed one after the other in the colum section. The problem I don't want to summerize them. I want to disply each value for the corresponding LableID. If have 3 lableIDs. I want to diplay only one LableID and all the values, if any, for Lowerbound, UperBound, and taget in the same colum. The problem is cross-tabs is that it uses summaries, which I don't want to do.
Because of your special display requirements, I think you would have to create a manual crosstab. First group on {table.labelID}, and then create three sets of three formulas, all using the syntax as shown below for lower bound:
//{@resetlowbd} to be placed in the group header:
stringvar lowbd := "";
//{@accumlowbd} to be placed in the detail section:
stringvar lowbd := lowbd + {table.lowbd} + "|";
//{@displlowbd} to be placed in the group footer:
stringvar lowbd;
Repeat for upper bound and target fields.
Then you would drag the group name (LabelID} into the group footer and suppress the group header and details section.
Also, for future reference, it is best to start a new thread rather than tag onto a very old one.
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