Is it possible to go from a Nortel CS1000 PBX system to a SIP system? My company is looking to remove all PBX hardware out and put in soft phones or some desk phones via SIP. What is required to do such a chore?
True, however as mforrence has stated a hosted company is the way forward then, and more often or not, the handset cost can be blended into the rental. At least they have some pbx features on the handsets. Dare I say it, but Cisco phones on skinny are pretty reliable.
just found out they want to piggie back off the cisco phone system we have at out other location in cleveland. we are going to use SIP via the cisco system. now the question is how can we keep are local numbers? is that even possible?
"just found out they want to piggie back off the cisco phone system we have at out other location in cleveland. we are going to use SIP via the cisco system. now the question is how can we keep are local numbers? is that even possible?"
So, what is it like to be given the responsibility to make this happen, but you "just found out"? To answer the question - with a gateway at your site, you could keep existing numbers. Much depends on how they're delivered. Clearly, you're not well versed in this arena and, once you change over, there is a very good chance that things won't work correctly. Assistance beyond an internet tech forum would really be appropriate at this juncture. Unless telephones aren't important to the operation of your business. Best of luck!
mforrence--- when i first came to this company the CS1000 was just handed to me with basic how to do's. everything ive learned to do with this system has been through this site, the manuals, google, and pbxinfo. so im use to finding things out at the last minute and adapting. as far as what my company wants to do im sure it is not impossible and not hard to learn once someone takes the time to explain it. So me being "not well versed in the area" has nothing to do with me asking questions and getting an accurate response from ppl who want to help or who have done this before. i simply asked if something could be done, i didnt ask for your person opinion on my background in phones. im just explaining how someone who runs a company wants something done. and if you work for them and they want it done you have two options...get it done or leave.
As i was stating before, the Cisco system we have in our out of state location is connected to out CS1000 currently through a Cisco gateway. we use 5 digit dialing through this gateway to alleviate long distance charges. Our concern is if we use SIP through the Cisco system how can we keep our local numbers (via PRI) and not have to take on the Cleveland numbers? Has anyone tried this before?
@mkp20 - my intent was certainly not to insult, but more to express how frustrating it must be to try and implement something while getting additional pieces of the "already made" decision dribbled out. Your questions indicate (in my opinion) that your telecom background is not deep. While I respect that you have learned via google, the bottom line is that you're taking the opinions and suggestions of strangers and trying to implement something that is somewhat complex. Again, this is all my opinion.
To answer your question. Yes, you can connect your existing PRI to a gateway and make it work. This is a common configuration.
understood and i do thank you for the advise you have given. the opinions and suggestions you all have given are simply to answer the "Is It Possible" and to see which direction i must go to do it. Once i get the bases of where i need to go as far as SIP trunking or a vendor i will go from there and find my best route by researching SIP trunking or vendors. Im not to familiar with SIP trunking and when you guys/gals made the suggestions you have, it opened up doors to avenues that i knew little of. It seems as if SIP trunking with the Cisco system is where i will have to go and from what you all have provided, i will get more in depth with it. Thats all i was seeking was how i would go about it. As far as implementing it i knew i would have to learn this on my own cause no one but the network admin and myself knows the capabilities of our network. Once again i tip my hats to all of the supportive users of this forum, its always been a helpful experience here.
While SIP trunking is a good solution, it is not required for your application. Keep your existing TDM PRI and connect to a gateway at your site. Remainder is a function of Cisco Call Manager
I work at a larger retail drug chain's headquarters outside Chicago and we have seamlessly integrated a Nortel Meridian Option 81C with a Cisco Call Manager with unified dialing and features.
Why not tie your CS1000 into the Cisco Call Manager?
Or if you are wanting SIP, keep your Nortel 11xx phones and convert them to SIP firmware and run them as SIP sets off the Cisco Call Manager.
11xx phones are going for over $100 a piece on ebay, you should definitely hang onto them.
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