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Is everyone dead or is my question not challenging enough? 2

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Technical User
Sep 3, 2002
Last week I posted a question on this site which has been totally blown off. This is not the first time this has happened to me. I've noticed as I've searched other threads that people's questions are not being addressed in a timely mannor or at all.
I find this very problematic as this site presents itself as a place where one can get and give assistance. At first I found this site very helpful but as of late it seems like just a waste of time.
It would be helpful to know if one's questions are not appropriate, too complex or just not interesting enough to address. After all, you like to know when a post has been helpful. Why not return the same courtesy?
Often times someone doesn't say "that" because maybe someone else will have the answer. We don't have supervisors around here handing out assigned questions. Some times they get overlooked and there's nothing you can do about that except call attention to the post again and hope that someone can help. But flying off the handle at folks only messes things up and will never lead to a solution. Play nice or play alone.


Everyone who contributes here is blessed with varying levels of experience with Access. In my case, I only participate in a thread when I believe I can be of some assistance. That includes asking for more information, and in some cases even offering to have the db sent to me so that I can look at it forst hand.

If you expect us to reply to your posts when we can't help you, you're going to be weeding through a lot of nothing. Also, I don't think the Tecumseh Group would be too happy with all that wasted disk usage....

So, for the record:

Regretfully, I am not able to help you with your post.

You say you've done a lot of the work and you would have said that if someone had replied. Why not say what you've done without being asked?

This is a voluntary site, populated by busy IT professionals who can point you in the direction to complete a specific task. Your problem is expressed almost like a homework assignment of "I need to do" followed by "Do it for me". OK, that's a very black and white view on it, but you gotta see the points being put across. Give a detailed description of what you want, what you have done and what is not working / missing. Then people can point you to a solution.

Helping others in your area of expertise will also endear you to others.
You guys are all too kind, anyone being THAT rude doesn't get any of my time, FULL STOP. Martin Replying helps further our knowledge, without comment leaves us wondering.
Suggestion for the forum; TT should perhaps award a "Dope of the Week" award; no prize here for guessing who would have to win it; in fact it would be difficult after this to find anyone else worthy of the honour. I'm with paparazi .... getting abused for the privilage of providing quality free advice and help is not something that we need to be tolerant of.

Steve Lewy
Solutions Developer
(dont cut corners or you'll go round in circles)

Steve... that's really cool...Dope of the week...he he he...and after all, why not? that would save some of our time, so I subscribe to the idea (as long as I don't get it first LOL)

Have one from me...it's good to keep folks' humour in good condition...

Again... LOL


P.S. Carl...oh Carl...

Daniel Vlas
Systems Consultant

I don't agree with some of the messages being posted on this topic. Even though we may not agree with Carlcwc's temporary attitude problem, I still believe it is in our best interest to help EVERYONE who needs assistance. In this day and age of global uncertainty, it is important for all of us to be more tolerant and understanding.

Perhaps this person was "under the gun" for getting something done quickly, or else!!!

Maybe they were just having a bad day, and is'nt everyone entitled to a bad day now and then?

Everyone in this forum should know by now that Access is not the most intuitive development platform, and things that should be simple can be rather difficult, and things that appear to be hard, are rather easy.

My 2 cents worth, take it or leave it!!! PEACE. HTH, [pc2]
Randy Smith
California Teachers Association

You are a scholar and a gentleman, and may you long live in peace. Actually I'm sure that most people who subscribe to tek-tips strongly believe that the pen is mightier than the sword (or is it the mouse).

For myself, I find that occassionally blowing off steam by a couple of opinions / comments does no harm; especially if its well directed.

I'm sure that Carl will "recover", be back for "more", and will over a short period, endear himself to this community; he's already well on the way to "tek-tip martyrdom". I would'nt be surprised if he's having a huge chuckle to himself right now ....

All the best to ALL of you; my 1.5c worth,
Steve Lewy
Solutions Developer
(dont cut corners or you'll go round in circles)
It's been my experience that people who complain about not getting free help fall into one of two categories:

1. Innocent and naive folks with a child-like mis-perception of reality

2. Ignorant clods who need to be beaten senseless and tossed into the gutter

Not being able to tell the difference without actually meeting them face-to-face (and being physically unable to perform the necessary corrective actions for class 2 in-duh-viduals), I simply choose to believe they belong to class 1.

Hope that helps!!

(not a programmer anymore)
Solutions Architect
CTE, MCIWD, i-Net+, Network+
(MCSA, MCSE-W2K, MCIWA, SCSA, SCNA in progress)
To those who offered explanations, suggestions and possible solutions I thank you for taking the time. If I offended anyone I apologize as it was not my intention. Rather, I was atempting to point out a situation that happens often on this site and possibly incite some solution for it.
To those who resorted to disrespect, tactlessness and all around bad-manners, I can only say it reflects poorly on yourselves, on this site and the real professionals who offer their help.
Feel free to keep slamming me if it makes you feel better.
I still find it ironic/amusing that this thread got 28 replys when my original thread got zip!
Iam new to this formun and agree with whats been said, iam learning access myself and understanding how it works, i think most poeple do not want to learn and need others to do it for them.

This forum is the best i have found for information, and some of the answers that have been given by people must of took some time to work out, so why not have a go yourself
Yeah, I completely agree. I work in a small office (28 workstations) and I am constantly learning. I don't come to Tek Tips when I have a problem, I try it first, look for service packs, try the MS knowledge base, check my access ref books etc. Everybody should understand that this place is for "mutual help" with technical problems. I am learning, but I would never expect to get the experts at Tek Tips to do most the coding for me!!! Thats the fun in IT! I do try and help other people in the areas I am knowledgeable about (Win2K/XP, general networking) and from that point of view I sometime don't have the time to answer all questions that are posted!

The bottom line is that this is a free tool for experts in all sorts of fields to help mutual professionals. If you have a complex problem which is urgent then get a consultant and stop expecting the hard work real professionals to do the work for you for free. Steve Hewitt
Systems Manager
Relating to carls statement "Rather, I was atempting to point out a situation that happens often on this site", I for one, would be very interested to see some statistics of Number of threads versus number of zero answer'ed threads over time. There must be tens of thousands of threads over the last few years; it would be very interesting to get some objective statistics from tek-tips to answer questions like this. There are of course many other stats that could be charted.

So ... if anyone from the management round table is following this thread, how about it guys! Let tek-tips know that (I think) there would be a lot of interest in this. Presumably all of the data is sitting in some giant SQL Server / Oracle database; some simple Access programming, utilising Chart etc. and we'll know the real truth about the success rate of answering threads. And if they get stuck at their end, simply just start a new thread, and carl and the rest of us will help with the coding :)

Some high level stats on this site would make for some fascinating reading/viewing !!! The charts could be posted on the web site, so that we could all get a birdseyeview and see the forest for the trees.

My latest 1cent worth .......

Steve Lewy
Solutions Developer
(dont cut corners or you'll go round in circles)

Thank you for the professional comments on the use and usefulness of the site.


We take suggestions all the time from members for site improvements. Use the "contact us" link located on the top of every page to give comments. Or, e-mail me directly at the address in my signature. This keeps non-technical posts out of the technical forums.

Thank you all again.

Dave Murphy, CEO
Tek-Tips Forums
Just to add my opinions here:

First of all, I have also had several of my questions go unanswered. These would not appear as threads with 0 replies, because I have often put in a reply to move it back to the top of the list (I prefer this over starting a new thread). This is frustrating, but I also understand that I only provide answers where I think I might have something useful to say. If nobody answers, I just take that to mean that nobody has experienced my issues or has any suggestions.

When I have problems with Access, the help files are my first place to check, followed by Tek-Tips. I then try a few other resources (various web sites, MS Knowledge Base, actual books, etc.) before posting my questions (usually at least). This means that the issues I'm having don't have solutions that I was able to locate in any of these places. If the members here don't have solutions either, I can't be too upset. Instead, I'm amazed and thankful at the number of times I get help.

Randy, you thought it discourteous for carlcwc to not have marked this thread for email notification. I as a general practice do not mark threads for email notification. That is because I check my threads at Tek-Tips more frequently than I check my email account that is tied to my Tek-Tips account. I just wanted to give you some insight in to another way of thinking.

Finally, carlcwc, I have to say that this thread was very rude. However, I'm willing to look past it in the future even if others aren't. Please don't take it personally if your threads don't get a response. Instead take that to mean that your question (as you phrased it) may be difficult to answer. Take another look at ways you can rephrase it. Is your question specific? Have you mentioned things you have already tried? Do you include the version of Access, Windows, etc. that you are using? I have sometimes found that in the process of trying to make a specific question, I solved my problem. Also, the reason this thread got more responses was that you did offend many of us, and we had things to say regarding this thread, but not the other.
Well said. I appreciate your objective point of view. Sometimes a reasonable train of thought can be lost in the mix of frustration. It just goes to show the extent of quality and depth of character this site possesses.


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
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