In my first month of employment, at my first job out of college (NOT a programmer!), I have been tasked with the daunting project of automating our job quoting process. I have been leaning heavily toward using Access because we all already have the license and I know it can do all of the things I'm trying to do, I just don't exactly know how to do them. I was hoping you guys could reaffirm or disaffirm that choice and give me some ideas as to what the best way to do this in Access would be. The following is a description of our quoting process and the general scope of my project.
We receive what's called a "due list" from an aircraft operator that states all of the tasks that need to be completed for a particular maintenance event. We then take that due list and, using a guide put together by the aircraft manufacturer that was imported into a handy Excel spreadsheet, total the amount of man-hours that are required to complete each task. For items that are outside the manufacturer's provided tasks, we use a pen and paper (what is this the stone ages?!) to total these, add it to the amount from the due list items, then export all of this into a word template that is our final quote, ready to be saved in PDF and sent.
Three separate processes. Access can do everything in one.
First, I still need to build the database, but I am waiting for help from the manufacturer on this. Or I need to spend 20 hours manually compiling it, which I want to avoid at all costs as I also have ten other projects going on right now. It will likely contain the following columns: Task # (primary key), Description, Man-Hours, Interval (how often that task is completed, in case the scope broadens).
Then I need to create a query (or form, which would work better?) that prompts the user to input all of the tasks for the job he is quoting. This would ideally be some type of list in which the user clicks each task that needs to be done. The program must then ask what we are charging for an hourly rate and for a description of additional tasks (ones not tethered to the database) and their associated costs. It will then ask for the other variable information in the quote--the company work is being provided for, the aircraft, its base, the estimated down time, etc. From this, I must tell Access to sum up the man hours from all input tasks, multiply it by the shop rate, add it to the additional tasks, and provide me with a total quote.
Finally, I have to create a report that will serve as my final quote. It will have to take the total quote, as well as a description of each task, input all the variable items from above, and spit out a PDF form that is ready to be printed and sent to the customer.
I understand that there are MANY issues that need to be addressed, some of which have already been pointed out to me. I will give you a better understanding of what I'm looking for.
-I need this program to be able to have additional aircraft added into the database. For now, the aforementioned db will just be for one aircraft to test it out, but will eventually expand to include around a dozen.
-I would ideally like for it to also include a database of our customers so that we can auto-populate those fields in the report. We currently use SalesForce for our customer db, which I believe can easily be exported into Excel.
-As I mentioned above, a user interface is going to be necessary. Some of the people using this program don't know what the hell Access is, let alone how to run a query/report. I have seen some examples of this being done using Visual Basic, would you recommend any other ways?
-I understand Access can only support 2gb of data and I may need to hook to an external database. Would Microsoft SQL Server be a better choice? Is it free?
-Multiple users need to be able to use this database/application concurrently. I want to house it on our internal documents website for salesman to use (and so that it's backed up), but this creates a lot of issues with updating. Any recommendations?
-One of my projects for today is to create a mock of what the application could look like. I'll upload it here in an image file when it's done.
I want to reiterate that I'm not a programmer. I have stumbled into a task that I believe will truly define how flexible I can be for my company, but unfortunately it's a little above my head. I greatly appreciate any help you guys can offer, whether it's an explanation of how I can do any of the forms/queries/reports, a tip for solving any of the issues above, or simply a link to a good resource for learning the information myself.
Thanks for the help.
We receive what's called a "due list" from an aircraft operator that states all of the tasks that need to be completed for a particular maintenance event. We then take that due list and, using a guide put together by the aircraft manufacturer that was imported into a handy Excel spreadsheet, total the amount of man-hours that are required to complete each task. For items that are outside the manufacturer's provided tasks, we use a pen and paper (what is this the stone ages?!) to total these, add it to the amount from the due list items, then export all of this into a word template that is our final quote, ready to be saved in PDF and sent.
Three separate processes. Access can do everything in one.
First, I still need to build the database, but I am waiting for help from the manufacturer on this. Or I need to spend 20 hours manually compiling it, which I want to avoid at all costs as I also have ten other projects going on right now. It will likely contain the following columns: Task # (primary key), Description, Man-Hours, Interval (how often that task is completed, in case the scope broadens).
Then I need to create a query (or form, which would work better?) that prompts the user to input all of the tasks for the job he is quoting. This would ideally be some type of list in which the user clicks each task that needs to be done. The program must then ask what we are charging for an hourly rate and for a description of additional tasks (ones not tethered to the database) and their associated costs. It will then ask for the other variable information in the quote--the company work is being provided for, the aircraft, its base, the estimated down time, etc. From this, I must tell Access to sum up the man hours from all input tasks, multiply it by the shop rate, add it to the additional tasks, and provide me with a total quote.
Finally, I have to create a report that will serve as my final quote. It will have to take the total quote, as well as a description of each task, input all the variable items from above, and spit out a PDF form that is ready to be printed and sent to the customer.
I understand that there are MANY issues that need to be addressed, some of which have already been pointed out to me. I will give you a better understanding of what I'm looking for.
-I need this program to be able to have additional aircraft added into the database. For now, the aforementioned db will just be for one aircraft to test it out, but will eventually expand to include around a dozen.
-I would ideally like for it to also include a database of our customers so that we can auto-populate those fields in the report. We currently use SalesForce for our customer db, which I believe can easily be exported into Excel.
-As I mentioned above, a user interface is going to be necessary. Some of the people using this program don't know what the hell Access is, let alone how to run a query/report. I have seen some examples of this being done using Visual Basic, would you recommend any other ways?
-I understand Access can only support 2gb of data and I may need to hook to an external database. Would Microsoft SQL Server be a better choice? Is it free?
-Multiple users need to be able to use this database/application concurrently. I want to house it on our internal documents website for salesman to use (and so that it's backed up), but this creates a lot of issues with updating. Any recommendations?
-One of my projects for today is to create a mock of what the application could look like. I'll upload it here in an image file when it's done.
I want to reiterate that I'm not a programmer. I have stumbled into a task that I believe will truly define how flexible I can be for my company, but unfortunately it's a little above my head. I greatly appreciate any help you guys can offer, whether it's an explanation of how I can do any of the forms/queries/reports, a tip for solving any of the issues above, or simply a link to a good resource for learning the information myself.
Thanks for the help.