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Jul 11, 2005
recently i aquired "ULTRA" 512 PC3200 DDR 400MHz ram
MY MOBO has 3 bank slots for ram
the 1st slot has 1 256 mb ddr sdram and the middle slot is empty and the 3rd slot has the same as the 1st; 256 mb ddr sdram. I have got the 512

ram and I wanted to upgrade to 1GIG of ram.

So I opened my computer, and put the ram in put the bottom and top clips down to lock it in. And started up the machine. At first the computer

started, but by that I mean nothing appreared on the monitor but the computer was on, but no action. nothing happened, not even the bios would

load. So I took out the new ram turned it around because I thought i put it in the wrong way. . Started the computer up, and it beeped over and

over, Till I restarted it. Then this BIOS "safe mode" screen thing came up saying something like my hardware isn't powered properly or something. I

didn't know what to do in the BIOS so i just restarted and the BIOS safe mode came up again.

So I took out the ram and started up the computer,( I noticed a wierd smell coming from the computer but i can't smell it anymore) The bios safe

mode came up again, until i exited that and restarted the computer.

Usually right when my computer starts up i see this bios logo only for like less than a second which is normal. But now on that part it takes about 4

seconds to load for some reason.

SO i went into windows, About 5 mins into browsing around windows i get a BSOD. The BSOD either displays the error "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"

most of the BSOD have been the IRQL one.
Sometimes i Can stay in windows for 30 mins before BSOD comes other times its like 5 mins.

I also noticed now while browsing the web in internet explorer or mozilla sometimes I get "Were sorry this program needs to shut down" errors. And

that never used to happen.

Here is my MOBO

I have

AMD athlon xp2100+

i think i damaged my MOBO, =(
Ok lately i've also been getting 2 more BSOD at random.

and another has no title, its just
Technical information:
STOP 0x0000008E (0xC0000005,0x804E9F4E,0xBADAFAA4,0x00000000)
Ugh, ok right after submitting my above post I got another BSOD,
with this as its Technical information:
KSecDD.sys - Address F8470F0E base at F8463000 Datestamp 3b7d8379
ok so i ran memtest
and i left the computer while it was running, when i came back about 2 hrs later memtest was frozen. This is what is looked like: ( didn't type all the tests out at the bottom. It displayed 10 of them but i wrote 5 or so, they are more or less the same) Now when I try to start the computer, right after the windows logo just before i get to the log in screen i get the PAGE_FAUL_IN_NONPAGE_AREA BSOD everytime. I even tried safe mode, but same thing happens, So I can't get into windows now. I guess it's progressively getting worse.........

Athlon XP (0.18) 1733MHz Pass 79% #########################
L1 Cache 128 10633MB/s Test 2%
L2 Cache 256 3529MB/s Test #8 [Modulo 20, ones and zeros]
Memory 512 497MB/S Testing; 108k - 512M 512M
Pattern 00000000-0

Walltime - 0:28:29
Cached - 512
RaudMem - 76k
MemMap - e820-std
Cache - On
FCC - Off
Test - std
Rass - 0
Errors - 3400
Ecc Error - 6422634
Tst 7
Rass - 0
Failing Address - 0000002b7c8 .6mb
Good - ca1e8d32
Bad - ca1a8d32
Evr-Bits - 00040000
Count - 1
Chan -

Tst 7
Rass - 0
Failing Adress - 00000037d48 .4mb
Good - 5297df69
Bad - 52a3df69
Evr-Bits - 00040000
Count - 1
Chan -

Tst 7
Rass 0
Failing Address 0000003bf88 .6mb
Good 994f764e
Bad 984f764e
Evr-Bits 01040000
Count 1

Tst 7
Rass 0
Failing Address 00000027d48 .4mb
Good 752db08d
Bad 7529b08d
Evr-Bits 00040000
Count 1

Tst 7
Rass 0
Failing Address 0000004bd58 .6mb
Good d88e97ob
Bad d88a97bb
Evr-Bits 00040000
Count 1
I also noticed that when I was making the memtest floppy disk my computer would freeze and lock up totally and then when I restarted and got back to the desktop it froze again.

Also if anyone is wondering what my Power supply is
its right here
300w max
ok this morning the computer would start up
The first time just when i logged in i got a BSOD this time it was MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. the second time the mouse froze. The thirdtime the whole computer froze.
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