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IRQL less or not equal/bad pool caller/Suwin GPF, please help!

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Technical User
Oct 2, 2002
My system consists of:

Athlon XP 2400+ processor
EPoX 8k52a+
256 RAM DDR 2700
Geforce FX 5600 Gainward
SB live! value
Generic 400W power source
et all...

When trying to install windows (XP or 98) I´m getting a BSOD with the difference that, in XP I get an IRQL_LESS_OR_NOT_EQUAL or a BAD_POOL_CALLER error. In 98 I´m getting a SUWIN caused a general protection fault in module KRNL386.EXE.

I´ve been through various knowledge basis and most of them warn me about incorrect clock settings or some such. The only BIOS config I´ve altered which produced results was Disabling the Internal Cache (which pretty much inutilizes the computer).

Anyone cares to clarify/help me with the problem at hand?

Already had this problem, I replaced the cpu and it worked fine after that. Maybe also RAM.

when you say "The only BIOS config I´ve altered which produced results was Disabling the Internal Cache", what do you mean. Install succeeds? Error basically means call being sent to invalid/corrupt address. As you stated, overclocking, bios setting can cause probs. Other things that can cause prob are bad memory and conflicting/bad driver. If disabling cache corrected prob then cache is bad. In your case, suspect translates to bad mb and/or processor. Possible that memory bad or not properly configured.
Disabling the internal cache is the one option I´ve altered that enabled me to go a little further in the installation, but the system crashed anyway. As to configure RAM/Clock, I´m running at a smooth 2.0Ghz (the CPU regular speed) and the ram has been through all the setup defaults, to no avail. Any configuration suggestions?
Did u wipe disk first?
Down to Manu. LLF utility? check for errors?
Did u create Fat32 Partition/s?
or NTFS?
Format the drive??

Possibly Drive Overlay installed?

What OS was on before?
using 98 CDROM and XP cdroms?


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Yes, I did wipe both HDs and created FAT32 partitions (they were formatted with NTFS before - both gave me this same problem), ummm... What is Manu.LLF? Or drive overlay?

No OS before, the disks are new.
Manufacturer's LLF = Low Level Format Utility...and Diagnostic software to check the disk for errors and basically the LLF will rewrite the sector header and trailer info.
Drive Overlay is Partition Magic, Ontrack, and many others..

What HDD make/model??

Pull the CMOS battery for 5 minutes, and reinstall it to wipe the BIOS and revert to defaults


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Both are Maxtors, one is a 30Gigs 5T030H3 and the other a 15Gigs 51536U3. Clearing CMOS produced no results, I´ll have to get back to you on that LFF utility and software diagnosis.

I´ve already tried putting this RAM on another com´puter (with a different mobo) and it worked fine. I´m starting to suspect my mobo is defective, but it can be a compatibility issue. I´m trying a different brand RAM next.
One other thing I'm reading that has caused others the same prob/error is that they had to Disable the Onboard LAN in the BIOS..for install


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Yep, I´m miserable, I´ve tried switching to another brand of RAM (no success) unplugging everything BUT RAM,CPU video card and HD (still no success) and even tried completing the installation with severe underclocking options in my BIOS and every non-vital configuration disabled and nothing. What gives? Motherboard problem? CPU? Is there a black cloud following me? Help, I´m desperate.
have you followed up on what TekTippy4U suggested above? I would probably go a step further and disable all mb peripherals in bios. If is driver issue, poss bad driver being loaded by win os install.
Unfortunately, yes. The only things I haven´t done yet are switching my video card, my CPU or my mobo, for which I´m just waiting for a friend to provide me with'em.
Are you trying with only ONE disc at a time? (I hope)
Have you been to Maxtors site to look for issues specific to your drives.?

No NIC (Network Interface Card) installed...right?
Relating to the LAN (onboard or not)....Look for DMI (Desktop Management Interface) and LANDesk Client Mananger settings in BIOS and for "Network Boot" as options in BIOS and Disable it/them..

D/l your mobo manual for settings

set bios to Boot from CDROM first
Cabling and jumpers on drive correct ?
Are there jumpers on the mobo that need setting?

These suggestions above may or may not be directly related to your problem...though it's worth a shot before tossing Mobo, CPU, etc..

Have you changed to CPU previously and/or Heatsink....is the HS fan spinning....possible overheating going on..
Just tossing out ideas.

One more try;
Startup with a win98 startup disc and switch to C:\ and type;
Fdisk /mbr


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
If that's a RAID capable mobo...disable that in BIOS.
Do a BIOS update yet?? What's your Date on BIOS.

This is the closest I'm coming to finding your specific MOBO

Not too much on google either...hmmm

Found this in a forum
i think i might go with the epox 8k5a2+ board....i see the difference between the "+" and the non-plus model is a onboard LAN, 1 PCI slot, and RAID support.

dont really need the RAID, but an extra PCI and onboard LAN would be nice...but for an extra $30, is it worth it?

Another, at a diff forum, said he had a "little" problem installing XP...but no solution given

You know, Twoedge, it'd be nice to get the darn numbers correct, eh?
Epox 8K5a2+ not 8ka52+

now armed with correct info google is overflowing


These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
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