we are working on ips 2000. when we are trying to make a outgoing land or mobile by pressing O we are getting junction dialtone but the call not getting through and getting dialtone again. pl advise to rectify the same thru mat.
Ok so two questions, where in the world are you and what are your programming skills? Make that three questions, if you can log in to the system, what is the setting for Cmd 200 de 0 de?
Thanks for your reply. with ref to my post above..Just three days before it was good in operation.we configured 'o' for outgoing calls from any station.By pressing digit 0 from any station we will get the junction dial tone and we can make a outgoing call. now the exact problem is when we are pressing digit 'o' for making outgoing call, we able to get thru the junction dial tone but calling numbers are not getting thru abd we get back the junction dialtone immediately.. Hope you understand our problem.
The answers for your questions
1. we are from india
2. I got some knowledge in programming side as iam working power sector here.
3. in cmd 200 de 0 is 100
Ok so are you using a Dterm to dial out or an analogue phone?
Have you checked the line at the frame? Just because you get second dial tone doesn't mean you are getting it from the exchange! Try using an analogue phone across the line at the frame to make sure you can break dialtone there!
thank you for the reply. we are using Dterm phone for making outgoing calls. From the frame directly we can make a calls by using analogue phones that has been tested. when we are trying from the Dterm phone at the operator, by pressing digit '0' ..getting exchange dialtone, but calling number is not taking and automatically getting exchange dialtone back after dialing second digit in mobile number. pl advise
Ok so it was working before and it isn't now, so something has changed and if it isn't programming (I'm assuming nobody has been messing with the programming)I would be trying swapping the COT card. Do you have a Buttinski so that you can monitor what is happening on the line when you try to dial out? Another possibility is a problem with the register but as that is on the MP card we would hope that isn't the problem (you can install a register card if this turns out to be the problem but I would be concerned about the serviceability of the system if there is a problem on the MP)!
Thanks for your continuous help in responding to our posts. we would like to inform you that our problem has been solved and system is in normal operation. what we did is, we removed the existing CPU card the put back the same and then switched off and switched on the system. Thats all it has come to normal operation. The other problems which was mentioned in our earlier post also gone.
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