Can I set a analog line to fwn no answer into a mailbox without using AA. I have a customer that had this on the Partner ACS, and would like to keep the same set up.
There is a setting for this in the Trunks window. Open Trunks and highlight a line. Below this, there is the option "Coverage Destination" with a drop down box to assign an ext or group. This is like Line Ownership in Partner ACS.
Thanks for the tip. I did see that and would work if this was a private line. This is a line that rings multiple phones, and if no answer I want it to go to a mailbox on one of the ringing phones. On the ACS this was done with line coverage for extension.
Avaya802: Line Ownership on ACS allows a line to ring on multiple phones, with unanswered calls going to one mailbox. It doesn't need to be a private line. IPO-PV should work the same way. There is nothing in the settings to indicate that it doesn't. Have you tried it?
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