IPO 500V2 8.0 Ip phones keep rebooting after getting command "H323Evt GK: Unregister endpoint"
I have two phones on this subnet having this issue. Its seems to be a "timer" deal. They boot about every six minutes.
1616 Phones.
53445729mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=250 State, new=NullState, old=Active id=45
53445729mS H323Evt: GK: Unregister endpoint XXE0070702E1_XX96356079a52f3c for extension 299
53445731mS H323Evt: GK: Send URQ
53445732mS RasTx: v=Src=, Dst= peb=0
RasMessage = unregistrationRequest = {
requestSeqNum = 1
callSignalAddress = { 1 item(s)
[0] = ipAddress = {
ip =
c0 a8 01 f0
port = 1720
Thanks for your help!
The display on the 1616 phone shows "Resetting on URQ" after being up for six minutes. I have two phones on this subnet, I powered down both of them, started one, waited for three minutes and started the other. Both of them reboot every six minutes from when they were started. Not a network issue.
Thanks for your help.
IPO 500V2 8.0 Ip phones keep rebooting after getting command "H323Evt GK: Unregister endpoint"
I have two phones on this subnet having this issue. Its seems to be a "timer" deal. They boot about every six minutes.
1616 Phones.
53445729mS H323Evt: v=0 stacknum=250 State, new=NullState, old=Active id=45
53445729mS H323Evt: GK: Unregister endpoint XXE0070702E1_XX96356079a52f3c for extension 299
53445731mS H323Evt: GK: Send URQ
53445732mS RasTx: v=Src=, Dst= peb=0
RasMessage = unregistrationRequest = {
requestSeqNum = 1
callSignalAddress = { 1 item(s)
[0] = ipAddress = {
ip =
c0 a8 01 f0
port = 1720
Thanks for your help!
The display on the 1616 phone shows "Resetting on URQ" after being up for six minutes. I have two phones on this subnet, I powered down both of them, started one, waited for three minutes and started the other. Both of them reboot every six minutes from when they were started. Not a network issue.
Thanks for your help.