Here's the deal I have a customer with a 406V2 that I upgraded from 3.2 to 4.1. They have mainly 4412 phones which all came back up after the upgrade (no firmware). They do however have 2 5420 phones that did not, they actually caused the system to keep rebooting. As soon as I unplugged them the system was fine quit rebooting. I did discover that they were firmware 4. I tried to do a force firmware upgrade onsite but it would not work, so I brought the phones to my office where I have a test 406V2 and did the firmware upgrade here to release 5. I then loaded my customer's config file on my test IPO and made sure the phones worked, no problems. So I took the phones back to my customers site but when I plug them in they just say "please wait" and never connect to the system. Any ideas or thoughts???