I wonder if anyone can give me some info on the differences between the IP Office and Allworx. We are proposing an IPO to a customer and we are competing with Allworx.
SHK Certified (School of Hard Knocks)
I personally don't see any competition, apart from price perhaps, but the allworx is a pure IP / SIP based solution and to be honest, while they push the fact its leading edge, I don't see any flexibility in the solution.
I think if you genuinely put the two side by side, the IPO would come up trumps every time.
Here are some key diiferences:
- Allworx has two models that each support a different capacity; both require full replacement of the base unit in order to meet growth needs of the customer.
- Allworx has a 250 user capacity, no Allworx solution past 250 users.
- Allworx does not have a built in Meet Me conference bridge. It comes with 3 party conferencing out of the box. Additional costs for the 8 party and 30 party Meet Me bridge.
- A maximum of 11 analog stations can be supported. No digital phone options.
- T1 not supported on Allworx 6
- Allworx 6x supports 8 voicemail ports max and the 48x supports 16 ports; no growth supported after that.
- Allworx does not support instant messaging or video calling.
I have seen some pretty low pricing from them as well. Hope that helps, good luck.
The Allworx is incredibly easy to install and use; partially because it has the limits mentioned above. If you don't fit the SIP box, and the limits on analog lines, it won't be a good long term solution. I do a lot of subcontractor work for a large company that sells both; they seem to do mostly Allworx for the under 20 station crowd and IP Office for the bigger ones.
The smaller the job you are bidding, the more better the Allworx will look. They don't have a cordless solution, and some of the advanced features (like the larger conference capability) require software package add-ons. They really only have two phones; the third one isn't backlit so you can't use it with the others without irritating whoever has the non-backlit one. But - I disagree with the earlier post - I really like the two handsets and the customers I have installed them really like them as well. IP Office runs circles around it in desktop options.
I have been contacted to sell the product and am reluctant to do so because of the fact that they are wholly owned by PAETEC. I think eventually you won't control your own destiny when your parent company uses you primarily to pull through T1 sales.
And the phones are not that cheap. The box may be, but the handsets at the wholesale level are as much or more than IP phones - which can make a huge difference down the road. I would use that and the limited choices in handsets to make the IP Office stand out.
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