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IP Office DST setting 24

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Oct 15, 2004
I'll admit to never looking at this at all becuase it always 'just worked', but we have noticed that the preprogrammed dates all come to an end this year, for evrybody in the world!!

After speaking with Avaya, it seems theses dates are pulled from a file in the manager folder called timezoneinfo.xml. This file includes dates for all times zones upto 2025, but the there are too manay entries in each list emaning the IPO only loads upto 2023.

This file hasn't been updated by Avaya ever, so with a brand new IP500 installation, your DST will end this year.

I'm waiting on Avaya to tell me if they are going to update the file with a future release of Manager so we can update all our customers easily. Lets see if they do or not!

Bw warned. All your IP500 customers will run of DST dates this year, unless you have set them yourself.

Jamie Green

[bold]A[/bold]vaya [bold]R[/bold]egistered [bold]S[/bold]pecialist [bold]E[/bold]ngineer
Hi jamie77

if you change the timezone to any other but yours and then change it back it will load the dates until 2025


If you give more information you will get better answers. If you only give bits and pieces then you will get the same back and maybe not fitting your problem.
Coming from the Nortel world, as my handle obviously states, I could never figure out why Avaya chose to handle DST changes in the manner in which they did. Nortel had this figured out 30 years ago with Norstar and Meridian 1. Advance the time by 1 hour at 02:00 on the first sunday of the 3rd month, and retard it by 1 hour at 02:00 on the first Sunday of the 11th month (I'm making these times up, but you get the idea). It this way the year is completely taken out of the equation. For those areas of Canada that don't follow DST changes at all the DST feature could simply be disabled with a DST Y/N toggle.

There is no reason why you need to have a specific entry for each year, because as we are now seeing, regardless of how many DST entries you add they will at some point expire.

Avaya should have been updating the timezoneinfo.xml file with each release of software, how hard would that be??? Or better yet, implement Nortel's way of DST changes. They bought the company and the tech, why aren't they using it???

if you change the timezone to any other but yours and then change it back it will load the dates until 2025

I found a post of yours from a few years back, and tried this, but it doesn't work. The file has upto 2025 in it, but has too many entries fro the IPO to load in, so we onlt get upto 2023.

Either way, they will expire soon.

What does work, is adjust the .xml file with new dates, then using manager to go in to update. You don't even need to select another time zone, just re-select your own from the list and will pull the file in from your local PC. As long as someone doesn't do the same with an out of date file!! lolz

Avaya should have been updating the timezoneinfo.xml file with each release of software

It's like you've read the email I sent them yesterday!! :)

Jamie Green

[bold]A[/bold]vaya [bold]R[/bold]egistered [bold]S[/bold]pecialist [bold]E[/bold]ngineer
Editing that XML file is possible, but time consuming as you still have to copy that file to your PC, look up the DST date changes for the next few years, manually edit that file, then copy the file back to the SC card.
If Avaya would just do the right thing for once and completely re-write how they handle DST that would be a big help.

Never looked at this too closely but I thought it was updated to a few years (5?) after the release date
I have an autoit script that edits the csv config export

You can then run the script then import the configuration.csv dates updated for next 5 years.

Will upload it tomorrow
Autoit script to set dates in ip office should hopefully go up to 2033 please sanity check the dates :)
Use at own risk.

open config with manager.
export config to Configuration.csv
run script on Configuration.csv
import Configuration.csv
save config

#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

MsgBox(1, "DONE", "DONE")

Func _NEWDATES($sNewdates)
Local $iRet = 0

Local $sFile = FileOpenDialog("SELECT the Configuration.csv FILE", "", "CSV (*.csv)")
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "No file(s) were selected.")
local $aFile=""
local $sData=""
_FileReadToArray($sFile, $aFile)

For $a = 1 To $aFile[0]
if StringRegExp($aFile[$a],"BootP_Info_End") then
$sData &=$aFile[$a+1]& @CRLF
$sData &=$aFile[$a+2]& @CRLF
$sData &=$aFile[$a+3]& @CRLF
$sData &=$aFile[$a+4]
FileSetAttrib($sFile, "-R")
Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFile, 2)
$sData = StringRegExpReplace($sData, '\|,[2-3][0-9]\|.*\|01:00,', '|,' & $sNewdates & ',', 1)
$iRet = @extended
FileWrite($hFile, $sData)
Return $iRet
EndFunc ;==>_NEWDATES
Thanks Daken

that gets blown away if you ever touch the time zone settings again.


how did you manage to adjust the xml file?

I took only 3 dates out for 2014, 2015 and 2016 and it complains that it is corrupt

I took the bold and underlined part for the years in question out and get nothing but error messages as soon as I open a config.

<TimeZone><Name>(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US &amp; Canada)</Name>
<Locale>frc</Locale> <UTCOffset>18000</UTCOffset>
<DSTPair>3/12/2017 2:00:00 AM - 11/5/2017 2:00:00 AM</DSTPair>

<DSTPair>3/11/2018 2:00:00 AM - 11/4/2018 2:00:00 AM</DSTPair>
<DSTPair>3/10/2019 2:00:00 AM - 11/3/2019 2:00:00 AM</DSTPair>
<DSTPair>3/8/2020 2:00:00 AM - 11/1/2020 2:00:00 AM</DSTPair>


If you give more information you will get better answers. If you only give bits and pieces then you will get the same back and maybe not fitting your problem.
I found that I accidentally erased the

in front of the bold entry but putting it back still brings me the error message


If you give more information you will get better answers. If you only give bits and pieces then you will get the same back and maybe not fitting your problem.
If you have another version of Manager, just copy the timezoneinfo.xml over to replace the corrupted one.

timezoneinfo.xml doesn't live on the SD card (that I can find), it seems to only be in Manager. Could experiment with keeping the same number of entries for the time zone, but modifying them to delete the old ones and add new ones in the same format.

Or, on a per system basis, in Manager, delete the older entries and add new entries until you fill up the available entries.
TTT I have made a copy before and reset it every time I make adjustments.

I just actually did leave the number of entries the same like you suggested and just moved them around but IPO sorted it by date anyways.
So I changed all the dates and went up to 2033 in the hopes I am still alive by then (just made my motorcycle license) and it worked :)



If you give more information you will get better answers. If you only give bits and pieces then you will get the same back and maybe not fitting your problem.
Here the file if someone wants to have the file for the -05:00 timezone

I might do more over the weekend depending if I feel like it.


If you give more information you will get better answers. If you only give bits and pieces then you will get the same back and maybe not fitting your problem.
Actually copy and pasting the dates is easy so here the file for US and Canada because our dates are different than the rest of the world


If you give more information you will get better answers. If you only give bits and pieces then you will get the same back and maybe not fitting your problem.
Last update includes most European countries as well as Australia and New Zealand

The following time zones are not updated as they are all over the place and I just don't want to google all these dates for single entries in the list for stuff I will never use.

Buenos Aires
Cape Verde
Greenland (I seem to remember they stay permanently on DST anyways now)

If you need to update them feel free to do it and then upload it here for others to enjoy


If you give more information you will get better answers. If you only give bits and pieces then you will get the same back and maybe not fitting your problem.
@Westi, I pulled down your edited TimeZoneInfo.xml file (thank you for all of the work put into editing it) and replaced the one I found located at System - Primary - WebMgmtEE - Test - XML. I rebooted the IPO and launched Manager, but nothing has changed in the DST Offset dropdown. Obviously I did something wrong or missed a step. If you could let me know what that was I'd appreciate it.

Hello Nortel4Ever

I use the one for North America only because I may have buggered up my other one.

Try using the first one I posted.

then when you open a config and click on the time zone dropdown it should start with 2022


@Westi, I pulled down your second one because it included dates for the -07:00 time zone which is what I need.

@Westi, this still is not working for me, could you email me at norm.b@completephones.com so that we can discuss off line?

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