I have spent the better part of the last 2 days of my life trying to dial out on a newly installed PRI. I have no problem receiving calls but when I try to dial out I recieve a "NUMBER BUSY" on the phone I am trying to call from. Currently I have 8 of the Channels "IN SERVICE" and from the System Manager I see that the 8 PRI channels have a Current State as "IDLE". Also when I try to call out I can see in the Manager it trys to go out the first channel and resets the "TIME IN STATE"... So could this be a configuration problem in the phone system or is this possibly a problem with the Telco. I have called them and they are telling me everthing looks good on their end.
Thanks for any help in advance!!!
********** SysMonitor v7.0 (26) [connected to (IP500)] **********
833773mS PRN: Monitor Status IP 500 5.0(26)
833774mS PRN: LAW=U PRI=1, BRI=0, ALOG=4, ADSL=0 VCOMP=0, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=1 LANM=0 CkSRC=13 VMAIL=0(VER=0 TYP=1) CALLS=0(TOT=10)
849126mS PRN: 404: Digit Pressed 7
849126mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f57eb0fc TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
849127mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 -1 Collector 4.-1: NEW CMExtnEndpoint f57eb0fc, Name=Collector 4, Extn=404, Phys Extn=404
849127mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:11 (f57eac8c)
849127mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f57e9a48 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
849128mS CMExtnEvt: Collector 4: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1032 )
849129mS CMExtnRx: v=404, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 6 Call: lid=0 id=1032 in=0
Called[] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[404] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Collector 4
IE CMIECallingPartyKName (226)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Collector 4
849129mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
849129mS CMExtnEvt: v=4 State, new=Connected old=Idle,0,0,Collector 4
849129mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party= sub= calling=404 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
849130mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
849130mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
849131mS CMExtnEvt: v=4 State, new=Dialling old=Connected,0,0,Collector 4
849131mS CMExtnTx: v=404, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 6 Call: lid=0 id=1032 in=0
BChan: slot=8 chan=6
Timed: 31/01/12 10:26
849131mS CMExtnRx: v=404, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 6 Call: lid=0 id=1032 in=0
Called[7] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
849131mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: Setting Hard Timer 4000
849132mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=7 sub= calling=404 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
849132mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=7 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
849132mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: SYS SC: 7 2 sc=type=Dial code=7N, num=N callinfop->sending_complete=0 secondary_dialtone=
849133mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=3 - Not Found
849133mS CMLRQ: FindActiveLRQByGroupID GroupID=3 - Not Found
849133mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f57e1db4 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
849135mS CMTARGET: DIAL LINE: 11 GROUP = 3 SUCCESS = f57e1db4
849135mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: CancelTimer CMTCDelayedProcessing
849135mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
849135mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:15
849136mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 11 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
849137mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 11 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
849137mS PRN: Setting configured voice gain for ch 1.
849137mS CMLineTx: v=13
Line: type=Q931Line 13 Call: lid=0 id=1034 in=0
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw
BChan: slot=0 chan=1
Timed: 31/01/12 10:26
Locale: enu
849138mS CD: CALL: 0.1032.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Collector 4(404)" (8.6) Bend="Line 13" [Line 13] (0.0) CalledNum=7 () CallingNum=404 (Collector 4) Internal=0 Time=11 AState=Dialling
849140mS ISDNL3Evt: v=13 stacknum=13 State, new=Initiated, old=NullState id=1034
849161mS RES: Tue 31/1/2012 10:26:33 FreeMem=75669104(2) CMMsg=3 (4) Buff=200 956 999 7414 5 Links=3014
849161mS RES2: IP 500 5.0(26) Tasks=26 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 Timer=45 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1
849200mS ISDNL3Evt: v=13 stacknum=13 State, new=NullState, old=Initiated id=1034
849201mS CMLineRx: v=13
Line: type=Q931Line 13 Call: lid=0 id=1034 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=1
Cause=90, Non-existant Closed User Group
849201mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 11 TargetingEP: RequestEnd 0.1034.0 11 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1
849201mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
849201mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f57e9a48 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
849202mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 11 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSCompleted
849203mS CMLOGGING: CALL:2012/01/3110:26,00:00:00,000,404,O,,7,Collector4,,,0,,""n/a,0
849204mS CD: CALL: 0.1032.0 BState=Disconnecting Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Collector 4(404)" (8.6) Bend="Line 13" [Line 13] (6.2) CalledNum= () CallingNum=404 (Collector 4) Internal=0 Time=77 AState=Dialling
849204mS CD: CALL: 0.1032.0 Deleted
849204mS CMExtnEvt: Collector 4: CALL LOST (?[90))
849205mS CMExtnEvt: Collector 4: Extn(404) Calling Party Number(404) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
849205mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 -1 Collector 4.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSDialling->CMCSCompletedTone
849205mS CMExtnEvt: v=4 State, new=CMESCompleted old=Dialling,0,0,Collector 4
849206mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 -1 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
849206mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:11 (f57eac8c)
849207mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f57e1db4 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
849208mS CMMap: a=21.39 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
849208mS CMMap: a=21.39 b=1.255 T
849208mS CMMap: a=21.39 b=8.6 M2
********** Warning: Logging to Screen Stopped **********
Thanks for any help in advance!!!
********** SysMonitor v7.0 (26) [connected to (IP500)] **********
833773mS PRN: Monitor Status IP 500 5.0(26)
833774mS PRN: LAW=U PRI=1, BRI=0, ALOG=4, ADSL=0 VCOMP=0, MDM=0, WAN=0, MODU=1 LANM=0 CkSRC=13 VMAIL=0(VER=0 TYP=1) CALLS=0(TOT=10)
849126mS PRN: 404: Digit Pressed 7
849126mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f57eb0fc TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
849127mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 -1 Collector 4.-1: NEW CMExtnEndpoint f57eb0fc, Name=Collector 4, Extn=404, Phys Extn=404
849127mS CMCallEvt: CREATE CALL:11 (f57eac8c)
849127mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f57e9a48 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=0
849128mS CMExtnEvt: Collector 4: CMExtnHandler::SetCurrent( id: 0->1032 )
849129mS CMExtnRx: v=404, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 6 Call: lid=0 id=1032 in=0
Called[] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect Calling[404] Type=Internal Plan=Default
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw
IE CMIECallingPartyName (110)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Collector 4
IE CMIECallingPartyKName (226)(Type=CMNameDefault) name=Collector 4
849129mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSIdle->CMCSDialInitiated
849129mS CMExtnEvt: v=4 State, new=Connected old=Idle,0,0,Collector 4
849129mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party= sub= calling=404 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
849130mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: ADD TARGET (N): number= type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
849130mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: StateChange: END=A CMCSDialInitiated->CMCSDialling
849131mS CMExtnEvt: v=4 State, new=Dialling old=Connected,0,0,Collector 4
849131mS CMExtnTx: v=404, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 6 Call: lid=0 id=1032 in=0
BChan: slot=8 chan=6
Timed: 31/01/12 10:26
849131mS CMExtnRx: v=404, p1=0
Line: type=DigitalExtn 6 Call: lid=0 id=1032 in=0
Called[7] Type=Default (100) Reason=CMDRdirect
849131mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: Setting Hard Timer 4000
849132mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: LOOKUP CALL ROUTE: type=100 called_party=7 sub= calling=404 dir=out complete=0 ses=0
849132mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: ADD TARGET (N): number=7 type=100 depth=1 nobar=1 setorig=1 ses=0
849132mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: SYS SC: 7 2 sc=type=Dial code=7N, num=N callinfop->sending_complete=0 secondary_dialtone=
849133mS CMARS: FindActiveARSByGroupID GroupID=3 - Not Found
849133mS CMLRQ: FindActiveLRQByGroupID GroupID=3 - Not Found
849133mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 -1 BaseEP: NEW CMEndpoint f57e1db4 TOTAL NOW=3 CALL_LIST=1
849135mS CMTARGET: DIAL LINE: 11 GROUP = 3 SUCCESS = f57e1db4
849135mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: CancelTimer CMTCDelayedProcessing
849135mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: INITIAL TARGETING SUCCEEDED
849135mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: GetNoAnswerTimer:15
849136mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 11 TargetingEP: StateChange: END=B CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
849137mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 11 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1: StateChange: END=T CMCSIdle->CMCSOffering
849137mS PRN: Setting configured voice gain for ch 1.
849137mS CMLineTx: v=13
Line: type=Q931Line 13 Call: lid=0 id=1034 in=0
BC: CMTC=Speech CMTM=Circuit CMTR=64 CMST=Default CMU1=ULaw
BChan: slot=0 chan=1
Timed: 31/01/12 10:26
Locale: enu
849138mS CD: CALL: 0.1032.0 BState=Idle Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Collector 4(404)" (8.6) Bend="Line 13" [Line 13] (0.0) CalledNum=7 () CallingNum=404 (Collector 4) Internal=0 Time=11 AState=Dialling
849140mS ISDNL3Evt: v=13 stacknum=13 State, new=Initiated, old=NullState id=1034
849161mS RES: Tue 31/1/2012 10:26:33 FreeMem=75669104(2) CMMsg=3 (4) Buff=200 956 999 7414 5 Links=3014
849161mS RES2: IP 500 5.0(26) Tasks=26 RTEngine=0 CMRTEngine=0 Timer=45 Poll=0 Ready=0 CMReady=0 CMQueue=0 VPNNQueue=0 Monitor=1
849200mS ISDNL3Evt: v=13 stacknum=13 State, new=NullState, old=Initiated id=1034
849201mS CMLineRx: v=13
Line: type=Q931Line 13 Call: lid=0 id=1034 in=0
BChan: slot=0 chan=1
Cause=90, Non-existant Closed User Group
849201mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 11 TargetingEP: RequestEnd 0.1034.0 11 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1
849201mS CMTARGET: 0.1032.0 11 Collector 4.0: CancelTimer CMTCNoAnswerTimeout
849201mS CMCallEvt: 0.1033.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f57e9a48 TOTAL NOW=2 CALL_LIST=1
849202mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 11 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1: StateChange: END=B CMCSOffering->CMCSCompleted
849203mS CMLOGGING: CALL:2012/01/3110:26,00:00:00,000,404,O,,7,Collector4,,,0,,""n/a,0
849204mS CD: CALL: 0.1032.0 BState=Disconnecting Cut=0 Music=0.0 Aend="Collector 4(404)" (8.6) Bend="Line 13" [Line 13] (6.2) CalledNum= () CallingNum=404 (Collector 4) Internal=0 Time=77 AState=Dialling
849204mS CD: CALL: 0.1032.0 Deleted
849204mS CMExtnEvt: Collector 4: CALL LOST (?[90))
849205mS CMExtnEvt: Collector 4: Extn(404) Calling Party Number(404) Type(CMNTypeInternal)
849205mS CMCallEvt: 0.1032.0 -1 Collector 4.0: StateChange: END=X CMCSDialling->CMCSCompletedTone
849205mS CMExtnEvt: v=4 State, new=CMESCompleted old=Dialling,0,0,Collector 4
849206mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 -1 Q931 Trunk:13 CHAN=1: StateChange: END=X CMCSCompleted->CMCSDelete
849206mS CMCallEvt: END CALL:11 (f57eac8c)
849207mS CMCallEvt: 0.1034.0 -1 BaseEP: DELETE CMEndpoint f57e1db4 TOTAL NOW=1 CALL_LIST=0
849208mS CMMap: a=21.39 b=0.0 DTMF::AllocateRAS allocated CMRTTonegen resource busy 6, total 8
849208mS CMMap: a=21.39 b=1.255 T
849208mS CMMap: a=21.39 b=8.6 M2
********** Warning: Logging to Screen Stopped **********