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IP office + 3rd party SIP over 3G/Remote WiFi

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Oct 23, 2003
Hi guys,

i have an IPO 500 with 8.1 installed and have a license for 3rd party SIP to play around with.

Internally I have tested it successfully with Acrobits (iPhone) and x-lite and communication is flawless - no problems whatsoever.

When I connect though over 3G with Acrobits I get no sound - and I have noted that the handshaking of codec fails.

Currently I have the LAN2 connected on an IP directly connected to the internet (which is not something I like - but I wanted to get things working before moving behind the firewall).
I have also selected under Firewall/NAT Type - Open Internet.

Initially I thought my operator was blocking SIP but I used a commercial sip provider for testing and it works ok with their server.

Now when I connected over WiFi from a different network (e.g. from home) I get only one-way audio. I can hear OK but they can not listen to me.

Any ideas on where to start?

Just a note.

Having IPO on public IP address like I mention above - works OK with 2-way audio.
I was using a wifi connection that was behind double-nat and it wasn't working - not a typical testing.

Now I moved the IPO behind the firewall and I get now one-way audio.
I have forwarded on the router ports 5090-5060 (TCP+UDP) and 49152->53246 (UDP).

I also tried different kind of firewall options - full cone nat, restricted cone nat - and all the others that didn't require a stun - but no luck.
Anything else I might be missing?
Somehow it just does not work.
I tried but never got it working.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!

tipeter: what doesn't work
SIP over 3G or
SIP behind firewall?
Hi Murdot,

I have other sip apps like Bria and 3CX running over 3g and over wifi on systems with public IP's and behind firewalls. I find it's normally a SIP ALG issue on the routers or NAT settings on the App itself which cause this issue.

What router/firewall do you have where the IPO is?


Thanks for your reply.

i'm using Draytek Vigor 3300.

I disabled ALG based on: - still no go with 3G.
I get ring, I answer it but it doesn't seem to negotiate a codec.

From the router I have forwarded the ports I mentioned above and in IPO i have selected Firewall/NAT: Restricted Cone NAT, Public IP Address: (i have set the public ip of the router) -
Public Port: 5060

Here is some info from monitor:

2327117mS SIP Rx: UDP ->
0000 53 49 50 2f 32 2e 30 20 32 30 30 20 4f 4b 0d 0a SIP/2.0 200 OK..
0010 56 69 61 3a 20 53 49 50 2f 32 2e 30 2f 55 44 50 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
0020 20 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 32 2e 35 31 3a 35 30
0030 36 30 3b 72 70 6f 72 74 3d 35 30 36 30 3b 62 72 60;rport=5060;br
0040 61 6e 63 68 3d 7a 39 68 47 34 62 4b 65 66 34 37 anch=z9hG4bKef47
0050 34 65 34 38 34 64 33 64 33 32 34 34 62 62 33 35 4e484d3d3244bb35
0060 62 33 33 34 31 36 65 38 62 64 66 63 3b 72 65 63 b33416e8bdfc;rec
0070 65 69 76 65 64 3d 38 33 2e 32 33 35 2e 32 35 30 eived=83.235.250
0080 2e 32 31 30 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 61 63 74 3a 20 3c .210..Contact: <
0090 73 69 70 3a 36 30 38 40 31 30 2e 34 2e 31 31 39 sip:608@10.4.119
00a0 2e 37 38 3a 31 35 37 30 3e 0d 0a 46 72 6f 6d 3a .78:1570>..From:
00b0 20 22 53 70 79 72 6f 73 22 20 3c 73 69 70 3a 36 "Spyros" <sip:6
00c0 31 36 40 76 6f 69 70 2e 61 63 65 2d 68 65 6c 6c 16@voip.ace-hell
00d0 61 73 2e 67 72 3e 3b 74 61 67 3d 39 33 30 30 34 as.gr>;tag=93004
00e0 39 63 65 35 31 37 61 38 33 32 63 0d 0a 43 61 6c 9ce517a832c..Cal
00f0 6c 2d 49 44 3a 20 30 45 43 42 34 46 42 30 30 38 l-ID: 0ECB4FB008
0100 46 44 46 44 37 37 32 43 44 44 46 35 34 39 33 35 FDFD772CDDF54935
0110 35 30 42 34 35 44 46 45 43 41 43 36 44 43 0d 0a 50B45DFECAC6DC..
0120 43 53 65 71 3a 20 32 20 42 59 45 0d 0a 54 6f 3a CSeq: 2 BYE..To:
0130 20 3c 73 69 70 3a 36 30 38 40 76 6f 69 70 2e 61 <sip:608@voip.a
0140 63 65 2d 68 65 6c 6c 61 73 2e 67 72 3e 3b 74 61 ce-hellas.gr>;ta
0150 67 3d 37 39 32 45 39 42 45 42 38 32 46 46 43 39 g=792E9BEB82FFC9
0160 41 43 46 42 35 42 34 35 44 37 42 39 37 38 30 39 ACFB5B45D7B97809
0170 31 45 0d 0a 41 6c 6c 6f 77 3a 20 4f 50 54 49 4f 1E..Allow: OPTIO
0180 4e 53 2c 20 49 4e 56 49 54 45 2c 20 41 43 4b 2c NS, INVITE, ACK,
0190 20 52 45 46 45 52 2c 20 43 41 4e 43 45 4c 2c 20 REFER, CANCEL,
01a0 42 59 45 2c 20 4e 4f 54 49 46 59 0d 0a 53 75 70 BYE, NOTIFY..Sup
01b0 70 6f 72 74 65 64 3a 20 72 65 70 6c 61 63 65 73 ported: replaces
01c0 2c 20 70 61 74 68 0d 0a 43 6f 6e 74 65 6e 74 2d , path..Content-
01d0 4c 65 6e 67 74 68 3a 20 30 0d 0a 0d 0a Length: 0....

2327119mS SIP Call Rx: phone
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKef474e484d3d3244bb35b33416e8bdfc;received=
Contact: <sip:608@>
From: "Spyros" <sip:616@voip.ace-hellas.gr>;tag=930049ce517a832c
CSeq: 2 BYE
To: <sip:608@voip.ace-hellas.gr>;tag=792E9BEB82FFC9ACFB5B45D7B978091E
Supported: replaces, path
Content-Length: 0

Here I note the following - my public IP shows up there (
My 3G IP that is registered on the SIP Phone Status is
I see this as well though: "Contact: <sip:608@>"
This IP should be the NAT'd IP on the 3G network. Maybe the data tries to go back to that IP and fails?
We have found Drayteks are a no go for this and remote phones also. They do not port forward consistantly/correctly and they interfere with SIP traffic despite having the ALG off. On older models we used to roll them back to 3.3.3 firmware which was a little better but that's not an option with the recent models. Draytek deny any issue despite changing the router for another brand will allow it to work no issue then changing back problem comes back, the lack of tracing/monitoring on them makes it almost impossible to prove and troubleshoot either :)

"No problem monkey socks
Well 3G doesn't work even if I have an open internet IP on IPO (works OK from a remote WiFi network).

I will try to do a test with another router to see if it solves the issue at least over remote WiFi.
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