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IP 500 connection problem between 2 sites

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Aug 26, 2011
Hi all,

I have two new IP 500 v2 systems with 8 licences for Voice Networking channels. I'm running IP Office R7 verison 9.0 (12).

The sites are connected via Sonicwall NSA420's.

The connectivity between the two sites worked (Line 18 at site a, line 17 at site b) over a 100 meg leaseline. Users were able to call internal extensions between sites fine. The problem came when a customer phoned site A (reception) and wanted to be put through to site B. When the call was transferred the site B phone would dial, btu as soon as it was picked up the call woudl drop and revert back to Site A.

I not have an additional issue that the connection has died, although no changes were made (other than adding a phone number to the PRI lien 1 - which should have no effect).

Has anyone managed to link two sites so they can transfer external calls?
Sounds like a network (read sonicwall) issue.
Tun off direct media path on both lines and try again.
If that fixes it then you have to take a look at the routers because Direct media path should be turned on.


I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!
Hi tlpeter,
Direct Media path is already off.

Once side is set to SCN the other to SCN Fall back.

Any other ideas?
Verify the compression mode of the IP Line for the SCN on both sides is set to G729. If the far-end site phones sets are also IP sets, I might suggest locking down the compression mode of the extension to G.729 as well and then repeat your test.

Hi Cosmissniper.
I've checked, both are set to G.729.

Handsets are all 9620C's
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