Hey guys this is one that I have never had happen to me before.I have a BCM 1000 3.7 that I need to connect 5 IP 2004's at a remote location and the phones never boot up I mean I have done this dozens of times and no luck.The data guy has set up a VPN so I should be good to go but something is blocked or not properly set up right. I even tried to set up a IP set at the main location to try to get one to boot up and nothing. I have plenty IP seats,regsitration is on,pswd,auto assign dn,etc. I have the phone set up DHCP 1, PARTIAL 1,S1 IP OF THE BCM AND PORT 7000 AND THE PHONES HAVE ALWAYS CAME UP FOR ME IN THE PAST THAT WAY LIKE I SAID I HAVE NEVER SEEN ONE ACT LIKE THIS. WHAT COULD BE THE PROBLEM?