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Invoke SQL script within TCL 1

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Nov 1, 2011
Is there any inbuilt functionality of TCL where I can invoke and run an .sql script on a selected Target schema and then return control back to the TCL script? SOmething like

set orauser scott
set orapwd tiger
set SID orcl

# execution of SQL script by some logic using above params

I found people asking to use oraTCL or nstcl. But I am unsure whether I need to install these. Is there any inbuilt functionality for this?

I am using OWB's(Oracle warehouse builder) OMB scripting which uses TCL to run its commands.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

If you are on MS Windows you can access the database using ADO with help of the tcl package tcom

I have a simple example, which access DB2 UDB on IBM iSeries, selects some data from a table and writes them to a CSV-file.
If you are interested I can post the code here.
Definitely Mikrom

If you could please post what you have.

As I am not a guru in TCL, anything that is related to the solution will help my cause.

Hi birdy1980,
So, here is my example of using tcom & ADO to process database:

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Reading records and fields from database[/color]

[COLOR=#0000ff]### Enter Login-Data[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]puts[/b][/color] -nonewline stdout [COLOR=#ff00ff]"AS/400 name : "[/color]; [COLOR=#804040][b]flush[/b][/color] stdout; [COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] csebk  [[COLOR=#804040][b]gets[/b][/color] stdin] 
[COLOR=#804040][b]puts[/b][/color] -nonewline stdout [COLOR=#ff00ff]"User Id     : "[/color]; [COLOR=#804040][b]flush[/b][/color] stdout; [COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] userid [[COLOR=#804040][b]gets[/b][/color] stdin]
[COLOR=#0000ff]# Using getpass for getting password[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]source[/b][/color] getpass.tcl
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] pass  [getpass [COLOR=#ff00ff]"Password    : "[/color]]
[COLOR=#804040][b]puts[/b][/color] {}

[COLOR=#0000ff]### Using ADO[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]package[/b][/color] require tcom

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Connection String[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] connection_string [COLOR=#ff0000]\[/color]
  [[COLOR=#804040][b]format[/b][/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]"PROVIDER=IBMDA400;DATA SOURCE=%s; USER ID=%s; PASSWORD=%s"[/color] [COLOR=#ff0000]\[/color]
  [COLOR=#008080]$csebk[/color] [COLOR=#008080]$userid[/color] [COLOR=#008080]$pass[/color]]

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Open ADO connection[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] connection [::tcom::ref createobject ADODB.Connection]
[COLOR=#008080]$connection[/color] Open [COLOR=#008080]$connection_string[/color] 

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Create an instance of an ADO Recordset[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] recordset [::tcom::ref createobject ADODB.Recordset]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] sql_stmt [COLOR=#ff00ff]"select *\[/color]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]              from IBPDDB.P001800V\[/color]
[COLOR=#ff00ff]              where OBEC LIKE '%Mesto%'"[/color]
[COLOR=#0000ff]# Open the recordset, using an SQL statement and the existing ADO connection[/color]
[COLOR=#008080]$recordset[/color] Open [COLOR=#008080]$sql_stmt[/color] [COLOR=#008080]$connection[/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]1[/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]3[/color]

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Create and populate an array of field names[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] fields_count [[[COLOR=#008080]$recordset[/color] Fields] Count]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] fields {}
tcom::[COLOR=#804040][b]foreach[/b][/color] field [[COLOR=#008080]$recordset[/color] Fields] {
  [COLOR=#804040][b]lappend[/b][/color] fields [[COLOR=#008080]$field[/color] Name]

[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] csv_file_name [COLOR=#ff00ff]"mesta.csv"[/color]
[COLOR=#0000ff]# Open CSV file[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]puts[/b][/color] [[COLOR=#804040][b]format[/b][/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]"Now writing data to CSV file '%s'.."[/color] [COLOR=#008080]$csv_file_name[/color]]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] csv_file [[COLOR=#804040][b]open[/b][/color] [COLOR=#008080]$csv_file_name[/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]"w"[/color]]

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Header line[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] line [[COLOR=#804040][b]join[/b][/color] [COLOR=#008080]$fields[/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]";"[/color]]
[COLOR=#804040][b]puts[/b][/color] [COLOR=#008080]$csv_file[/color] [COLOR=#008080]$line[/color]

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Data lines [/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]while[/b][/color] {![[COLOR=#008080]$recordset[/color] EOF]} {
  [COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] line_list {}
  tcom::[COLOR=#804040][b]foreach[/b][/color] fld [[COLOR=#008080]$recordset[/color] Fields] {
    [COLOR=#804040][b]lappend[/b][/color] line_list [[COLOR=#008080]$fld[/color] Value]
  [COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] line [[COLOR=#804040][b]join[/b][/color] [COLOR=#008080]$line_list[/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]";"[/color]]
  [COLOR=#804040][b]puts[/b][/color] [COLOR=#008080]$csv_file[/color] [COLOR=#008080]$line[/color]
  [COLOR=#008080]$recordset[/color] MoveNext
[COLOR=#804040][b]puts[/b][/color] [COLOR=#ff00ff]"..done."[/color]

[COLOR=#0000ff]# Close CSV file[/color]
[COLOR=#804040][b]close[/b][/color] [COLOR=#008080]$csv_file[/color]
[COLOR=#0000ff]# Close RecordSet[/color]
[COLOR=#008080]$recordset[/color] Close
[COLOR=#0000ff]# Close Connection[/color]
[COLOR=#008080]$connection[/color] Close
For entering passwords I have made the following module, which is used in the script above:
[COLOR=#804040][b]proc[/b][/color] getpass {prompt} {
[COLOR=#0000ff]  # Required package is Expect. It could be installed using teacup:[/color]
[COLOR=#0000ff]  # teacup install Expect[/color]
  [COLOR=#804040][b]package[/b][/color] require Expect
  [COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] oldmode [stty -echo -raw]
  send_user [COLOR=#ff00ff]"[/color][COLOR=#008080]$prompt[/color][COLOR=#ff00ff]"[/color]
  [COLOR=#804040][b]set[/b][/color] timeout -[COLOR=#ff00ff]1[/color]
  expect_user -re [COLOR=#ff00ff]"(.*)[/color][COLOR=#6a5acd]\n[/color][COLOR=#ff00ff]"[/color]
  send_user [COLOR=#ff00ff]"[/color][COLOR=#6a5acd]\n[/color][COLOR=#ff00ff]"[/color]
  [COLOR=#804040][b]eval[/b][/color] stty [COLOR=#008080]$oldmode[/color]
  [COLOR=#804040][b]return[/b][/color] [COLOR=#008080]$expect_out[/color]([COLOR=#ff00ff]1[/color],[COLOR=#804040][b]string[/b][/color])

Now the session running this script looks like this - You enter server name, login and password and the script generates the CSV output:
C:\_mikrom\Work>tclsh db_example.tcl
AS/400 name : ibptest
User Id     : romanaps
Password    :

Now writing data to CSV file 'mesta.csv'..
The result is a CSV-file specified by SQL-select:
Košice - Staré Mesto;0;Košice I;040 01;Košice 1;802;KI
Kysucké Nové Mesto;0;Kysucké Nové Mesto;024 01;Kysucké Nové Mesto 1;504;ZI
Kysucké Nové Mesto;0;Kysucké Nové Mesto;024 04;Kysucké Nové Mesto 4;504;ZI
Nitra - Staré Mesto;0;Nitra;949 01;Nitra 1;403;NI
Nové Mesto nad Váhom;0;Nové Mesto n.Váhom;915 01;Nové Mesto nad Váhom;304;TC
Prievidza - Staré Mesto;0;Prievidza;971 01;Prievidza 1;307;TC
Slanské Nové Mesto;0;Košice-okolie;044 18;Kalša;806;KI
Slovenské Nové Mesto;0;Trebišov;076 33;Slovenské Nové Mesto;811;KI

That's all :)

This is a lot for me to look at given my knowledge of TCL. But definitely helpful. Will try to see what I can do for Unix as I just found out that the test env is unix based here where I work.

I got some suggestions to use OraTCL and nstcl but am not sure whether they are pre requisites.

I tried something very simple like

set ORACLE_SQLPLUS_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/owbtst/bin

if {[catch {set executeResult [exec $ORACLE_SQLPLUS_HOME/sqlplus -L -S scott/tiger@orcl]} errmsg]} {
puts "$errmsg"
} else {
puts "NOT HERE1"
puts "$executeResult"

But it seems to take ages to connect, i.e. hangs
Accessing Oracle database from MS Windows using tcom + ADO should be similar to DB2 on iSeries, I only have to change connection string in the example above (and eventually schema and table name).

I'm sorry to say, but I have no experience with OraTCL.
Try to google for examples how to use it - I found these:
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