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module ModMatrix
type Matrix
character*16:: name
integer:: xmax
integer:: ymax
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:):: d
end type Matrix
! Create a square matrix
subroutine MatCreateSquare (mat, cols, tag)
type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
integer, intent(in):: cols
character*(*), intent(in):: tag
mat%name = tag
mat%xmax = cols
mat%ymax = cols
allocate (mat%d(mat%xmax, mat%ymax))
end subroutine MatCreateSquare
! Create an identity matrix
subroutine MatIdent (mat)
type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
integer:: xix, yix
do yix = 1, mat%ymax
do xix = 1, mat%xmax
mat%d(xix,yix) = 0.0
do xix = 1, mat%xmax
mat%d(xix,xix) = 1.0
end subroutine
! Copy cpy to mat
subroutine MatCopy (mat, cpy)
type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
type (Matrix), intent(in):: cpy
integer:: xix, yix
do yix = 1, cpy%ymax
do xix = 1, cpy%xmax
mat%d(xix,yix) = cpy%d(xix,yix)
end subroutine
! Invert a matrix
subroutine MatInv (mat, inv)
type (Matrix), intent(in):: mat
type (Matrix), intent(inout):: inv
type (Matrix):: wkg
integer:: pix, xix, yix, ix
real:: mul
call MatIdent (inv)
call MatCreateSquare (wkg, mat%xmax, 'wkg')
call MatCopy (wkg, mat)
do pix = 1, inv%ymax
! Convert row to unit
mul = wkg%d(pix,pix)
if (mul .eq. 0) then
write (*, *) 'Unable to invert matrix'
end if
mul = 1.0 / mul
! Create a pivot row
do xix = 1, wkg%xmax
wkg%d(xix,pix) = wkg%d(xix,pix) * mul
inv%d(xix,pix) = inv%d(xix,pix) * mul
! wkg will eventually become identity matrix
! inv will become the inverse
do yix = 1, inv%ymax
if (yix .ne. pix) then
mul = wkg%d(pix,yix)
do xix = 1, inv%xmax
wkg%d(xix,yix) = wkg%d(xix,yix) - wkg%d(xix,pix) * mul
inv%d(xix,yix) = inv%d(xix,yix) - inv%d(xix,pix) * mul
! call MatDump (wkg)
! call MatDump (inv)
end if
end subroutine
! Dump the matrix to the screen
subroutine MatDump (mat)
type (Matrix), intent(in):: mat
integer:: xix, yix
character*16:: fmt
write (*, *) mat%name
! this will work for matrices from 1 to 9
write (fmt, 10) mat%xmax
10 format ('(',I1, 'F7.2)')
do yix = 1, mat%ymax
write (*, fmt) (mat%d(xix,yix), xix = 1, mat%xmax)
end subroutine
! Fill a matrix from a sequential array
subroutine MatFill (mat, info)
type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
real, dimension(:), intent (in):: info
integer:: ix, xix, yix
ix = 0
do yix = 1, mat%ymax
do xix = 1, mat%xmax
ix = ix + 1
mat%d(xix,yix) = info(ix)
end subroutine MatFill
end module
program main
use ModMatrix
type (Matrix):: lft, rgt, sng, inv
real, dimension(9):: lhs, rhs
data lhs / 1., 3., 3., 1., 4., 3., 1., 3., 4. /
data rhs / 7., -3., -3., -1., 1., 0., -1., 0., 1. /
call MatCreateSquare (lft, 3, 'lft')
call MatFill (lft, lhs)
call MatDump (lft)
call MatCreateSquare (inv, 3, 'inv')
call MatInv (lft, inv)
call MatDump (inv)
end program