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Inverseion of a Matrix

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Technical User
Dec 22, 2006
Dear friend,

Can any one of you pass me a subroutine for inversion of a matrix which support F90.

I know there are many libraries but I need a simple subroutine.

Can provide you with a matrix inversion routine but what are you using it for?

If it is for solving simultaneous equations, Choleski LU decomposition would be a better technique.
No it is not for solving simultaneous equation. I just need a routine which estimate the inverse of a matrix for normal matrix operations as multiplication ...etc.
This isn't the most efficient method in the world and it assumes you do not have any ill conditioning.
module ModMatrix
   type Matrix
      character*16:: name
      integer:: xmax
      integer:: ymax
      real, allocatable, dimension(:,:):: d
   end type Matrix
   ! Create a square matrix
   subroutine MatCreateSquare (mat, cols, tag)
      type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
      integer, intent(in):: cols
      character*(*), intent(in):: tag

      mat%name = tag
      mat%xmax = cols
      mat%ymax = cols
      allocate (mat%d(mat%xmax, mat%ymax))
   end subroutine MatCreateSquare
   ! Create an identity matrix
   subroutine MatIdent (mat)
      type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
      integer:: xix, yix

      do yix = 1, mat%ymax
         do xix = 1, mat%xmax
            mat%d(xix,yix) = 0.0

      do xix = 1, mat%xmax
         mat%d(xix,xix) = 1.0
   end subroutine
   ! Copy cpy to mat
   subroutine MatCopy (mat, cpy)
      type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
      type (Matrix), intent(in):: cpy
      integer:: xix, yix
      do yix = 1, cpy%ymax
         do xix = 1, cpy%xmax
            mat%d(xix,yix) = cpy%d(xix,yix)
   end subroutine
   ! Invert a matrix
   subroutine MatInv (mat, inv)
      type (Matrix), intent(in):: mat
      type (Matrix), intent(inout):: inv
      type (Matrix):: wkg
      integer:: pix, xix, yix, ix
      real:: mul

      call MatIdent (inv)
      call MatCreateSquare (wkg, mat%xmax, 'wkg')
      call MatCopy (wkg, mat)

      do pix = 1, inv%ymax
         ! Convert row to unit
         mul = wkg%d(pix,pix)
         if (mul .eq. 0) then
             write (*, *) 'Unable to invert matrix'
         end if
         mul = 1.0 / mul
         ! Create a pivot row
         do xix = 1, wkg%xmax
            wkg%d(xix,pix) = wkg%d(xix,pix) * mul
            inv%d(xix,pix) = inv%d(xix,pix) * mul

         ! wkg will eventually become identity matrix
         ! inv will become the inverse
         do yix = 1, inv%ymax
            if (yix .ne. pix) then
               mul = wkg%d(pix,yix)
               do xix = 1, inv%xmax
                  wkg%d(xix,yix) = wkg%d(xix,yix) - wkg%d(xix,pix) * mul
                  inv%d(xix,yix) = inv%d(xix,yix) - inv%d(xix,pix) * mul
               ! call MatDump (wkg)
               ! call MatDump (inv)
            end if
   end subroutine
   ! Dump the matrix to the screen
   subroutine MatDump (mat)
      type (Matrix), intent(in):: mat
      integer:: xix, yix
      character*16:: fmt

      write (*, *) mat%name
      ! this will work for matrices from 1 to 9
      write (fmt, 10) mat%xmax
10    format ('(',I1, 'F7.2)')
      do yix = 1, mat%ymax
         write (*, fmt) (mat%d(xix,yix), xix = 1, mat%xmax)
   end subroutine

   ! Fill a matrix from a sequential array
   subroutine MatFill (mat, info)
      type (Matrix), intent(inout):: mat
      real, dimension(:), intent (in):: info
      integer:: ix, xix, yix
      ix = 0
      do yix = 1, mat%ymax
         do xix = 1, mat%xmax
            ix = ix + 1
            mat%d(xix,yix) = info(ix)
   end subroutine MatFill
end module

program main
   use ModMatrix
   type (Matrix):: lft, rgt, sng, inv
   real, dimension(9):: lhs, rhs
   data lhs / 1., 3., 3., 1., 4., 3., 1., 3., 4. /
   data rhs / 7., -3., -3., -1., 1., 0., -1., 0., 1. /

   call MatCreateSquare (lft, 3, 'lft')
   call MatFill (lft, lhs)
   call MatDump (lft)

   call MatCreateSquare (inv, 3, 'inv')
   call MatInv (lft, inv)
   call MatDump (inv)
end program
Thanks for help,

I really don't know much of Matrices, but I faced a formula in my code that need matrix inversion. I'll try to use this code, If I have any forward problems, I'll contact you later.

Again Thanks for your help
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