I am working on a report that will reflect inventory levels in the warehouses we have. I have a problem when a customer has issues a release order for cargo to be shipped out. It doubles my lines and therefore it throws off my subtotals and grand totals. How would I show a release order against cargo in stock with the appropriate numbers?
If you look at the report sample below and look at the line for the Bill of Lading GBULAPA051ITJ13B you will see this cargo has two didrent release for diffrnet amounts but will also see how it doubles up all the other numbers on me.
This report is created from a stored procedure based on tow tables from a MS SQL server.
If you look at the report sample below and look at the line for the Bill of Lading GBULAPA051ITJ13B you will see this cargo has two didrent release for diffrnet amounts but will also see how it doubles up all the other numbers on me.
This report is created from a stored procedure based on tow tables from a MS SQL server.