When I ran queries a few weeks ago everything worked fine. When I run a query on ".TXT" files I only get results from about 4 computers out of 500. Any suggestions? SQL is running fine.
Are you talking about hardware or software inventory...or both.
By default SMS is set to take inventory once a week. This can be easily changed through Site Settings on the SMS site server. Have you waited more than a week to see inventory changes?
The interval in which the clients take inventory is based on the time they installed the client. For example, if a client was installed on Wednesday at 8:35am (and site settings specify a one week inventory schedule), then the client would take inventory every Wednesday around 8:35am.
Both hardware and software inventory works the same way.
You could force the client to take inventory from the client. Go into Control Panel--> Systems Management. Click the Components tab and START the Hardware or Software Inventory.
Another way to check to see when the last time inventory information was collected is through the SMS MMC. Go to a Collection and find a client computer. Right click the client and pick RESOUCE EXPLORER. Under hardware, there should be something like LAST UPDATE (I'm not sitting in front of our SMS server so I don;'t know the exact verbage.) Anyway, you can see the last time the inventory was taken in Resource Explorer.
My SW inventory isn't working. All the clients give a good time and date of last inventory but when I run my query, only 4 clients show with *.txt files. It was working about a month ago but now it's dead. I changed the SW inventory to kick off every hour but it still doesn't work. Also, most of the clients aren't accepting advertisements.
Please verfy on some of the client machines that the SMS client components are installed. Control Panel -> Systems Management -> Components tab.
Also try to start the Software inventory component. (Just to verify the client is working properly.
Also check the SITE tab. Make sure your SMS Site server is listed. Also click the UPDATE button. Make sure your client update date increases to the current date.
Do you see any errors in the SMS MMC under LOGS? SMS has like a thousand logs here. They are usually pretty self-explainitory. Maybe you can look here for errors. I usually go through these logs on a daily basis just to make sure my site is working properly.
Also, you can look on the client machines under c:\winnt(or windows)\ms\SMS\logs\ There are like 15 log files here. Check these out...search for ERROR.
Thanks for the response. I've checked all my log files but I see no error. Below you will see some messages from the Inventory Processor log. I ran a query to check date of last inventory and it looks OK. For some reason I can't see the data it's collecting if it's actually collecting. I'm really dead in the water right now!!! I have over 800 clients that I can't get any info from. Anything else I can try?
If you don't find any errors in your logs, SMS Inventory is probably working OK.
Now, *.TXT files are not part of the normal software inventory. You must have "told" SMS to specifically look for TXT files (By default, I beleive SMS only looks for EXE files.) Are you sure something didn't get messed up when you modified this?
Also, assuming that the inventory process is working OK, maybe your query is set up wrong? I would set a very OPEN query and make sure you get at least the EXE's back.
Let me know if this helps any... Joseph L. Poandl
MCSE 2000
Could you possibly post your Query Language? It sounds to me that your query may not have the correct syntax, therefore it is not displaying the data correctly.
This is a simple query that I'm running. I've also tried with %.exe and I get a couple files.
select SMS_R_System.NetbiosName, SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.FileName from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile on SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.FileName like "%.txt"
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