I'm trying to create a log of updates, but although my code (below) works, it produces the following error:
ERROR # 2447:
There is an invalid use of the .(dot) or ! operator or
invalid parenthesis.
'If control was previously Null, record _
"previous value was blank."
Dim MyForm As Form, C As Control, xName As String
If IsNull(C.OldValue) Or C.OldValue = "" Then
MyForm!Updates = MyForm!Updates & Chr(13) & _
Chr(10) & C.Name & "--previous value was blank"
Does anyone know why this could be happening?
I'm trying to create a log of updates, but although my code (below) works, it produces the following error:
ERROR # 2447:
There is an invalid use of the .(dot) or ! operator or
invalid parenthesis.
'If control was previously Null, record _
"previous value was blank."
Dim MyForm As Form, C As Control, xName As String
If IsNull(C.OldValue) Or C.OldValue = "" Then
MyForm!Updates = MyForm!Updates & Chr(13) & _
Chr(10) & C.Name & "--previous value was blank"
Does anyone know why this could be happening?