I was using an access database to run this web application and i just switched it over to sql server 2005 the databases are identical same column names and everything. But when i switched the datasources on the coldfusion page from the access datasource to the sql datasource the application quit working and gave me an invalid column name error.
Here is where the code errors.
<cfif isdefined("URL.picSelected")>
<cfset pic = "#URL.picSelected#">
<cfset pic = "false">
<cfquery name="getAttributes" datasource="onlinePlanner">
SELECT * FROM images
WHERE jpeg = "#pic#" OR threeD = "#pic#" OR planview = "#pic#"
It is telling me that 'false' is not a valid column name. Any idea why?
I was using an access database to run this web application and i just switched it over to sql server 2005 the databases are identical same column names and everything. But when i switched the datasources on the coldfusion page from the access datasource to the sql datasource the application quit working and gave me an invalid column name error.
Here is where the code errors.
<cfif isdefined("URL.picSelected")>
<cfset pic = "#URL.picSelected#">
<cfset pic = "false">
<cfquery name="getAttributes" datasource="onlinePlanner">
SELECT * FROM images
WHERE jpeg = "#pic#" OR threeD = "#pic#" OR planview = "#pic#"
It is telling me that 'false' is not a valid column name. Any idea why?