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IntraWeb speed problem

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Sep 20, 2003
There is a web page which contains an IntraWeb application. It is used with MS IIS and registered as a DLL. The app shows the actual state of something, some animated pictures. This page is very slow from the client side (via 64k line) and should be speeded up. I need a solution...
I think I should use a web page downloader, a robot which downloads the page to a static html page with the picture of the IW app. If i could repeat it every 5 minutes it would be OK. Is there any program that can do this?
Maybe it is a good solution, maybe not.
Please suggest something to speed up the page!

Hi abbath8,

There's lots of missing informations in
your post:

1) What kind of animation is it?
2) How broad is the band on the server?
3) How do you pass the animations to the webpage?

Each of these questions would be able to boost
performance on its own, depends on what you do in

Please answer these questions to get further help.


It is an IntraWeb app that generates pictures almost real time.
The bandwidth is thin 64k...

Hi abbath8,

It does sound like I didn't explain that well.

HOW do you transmit the images? What formats are
they in? Do you use a TFileStream, MemoryStream, an Image
component, what?


okok :)
they are jpegs and image components
Hi abbath8,

Eventually we got'ere <bg>.

Now, what is the compression level?
Would it make sense for your application to use a
thumbnail and then click to enlarge to actual size?


Hi abbath8,

Thinking back of things, you may try
converting your JPG files to PNG ones,
which offer better compression ratio and
generally have better performances.

Have a try at that!


So the state is complex. Things doesnt behave as I thought. There is an IW component that is a dynamic component in a web page like a Java applet. It generates jpegs on the clients. So I need something which behaves like a browser (and can save the generated static files), because the 'browser makes' static jpegs from the dynamic component. If I could do this it would be nice, because it would be a static page that refreshes in every 5 minutes.
Is there a program (web robot or something) which is a virtual browser?
Hi abbath8,

You can use a WebBrowser replacement, there're
several over the net, thus you can create an NT
Service which will &quot;retrieve&quot; the pages on the server and
make them available on the site.

The whole thing requires few minutes to code, really.

The big deal is simply to debug the service, that's all.


Hi abbath8,

Another chance you have is to simply use an
HTTP client component and retrieve the URL,
without using a browser.

With INDY, for example, you'd do something like this:

Memo1.Lines.Text := IdHTTPCli1.Get( MyURL );
Memo1.Lines.SaveToFile( 'MyPage.html' );

That's all.


So, the web page text retrieval is ok, but still have the problem...how to catch the IW component generated images.
I thought that the TWebBrowser component would do...but I don't know if there is a method to save the displayed web page...it must be, but which one is that?
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