This is a little bit off topic, but...
Does anyone know of an easy way to set up a company internal weblog that people can subscribe to via RSS? I had someone here ask if this was possible. I said I'm sure it could be, but did know of any easy of the shelf software to get this going (free would be even better). Does anyone know of anything? We have use of a server that is running IIS, so I am thinking that would be the machine to do the hosting. This would be a way of people within the company to stay up to date on activity posted from an individual to his internal blog site.
Does anyone know of an easy way to set up a company internal weblog that people can subscribe to via RSS? I had someone here ask if this was possible. I said I'm sure it could be, but did know of any easy of the shelf software to get this going (free would be even better). Does anyone know of anything? We have use of a server that is running IIS, so I am thinking that would be the machine to do the hosting. This would be a way of people within the company to stay up to date on activity posted from an individual to his internal blog site.