I've fixed countless machines, yet for the moment, I'm a bit stumped. The computer had tons of spyware and tons of virii installed. I've used ms defender, x-cleaner, spybot, hijackthis, etc to remove the spyware. I've used avg to remove the virii. It is now completely clean of both, however the internet is not functioning. I've tried rebuilding the winsock, etc using netsh. The nic card communicates with the router, and gets an ip address through dhcp no problem. I can load up the page for the router(by accessing and that works fine. However as soon as I try to go to a website, it gives an error and no packets are transferred. I'm assuming that internet explorer seems to be messed up, as packets should be transferring as soon as I type in that address. Also, no programs can access the web(specifically looking for updates on the anti-spyware programs, as well as avg antivirus), so its not just internet explorer. It just seems that windows refuses to communicate with the nic card. There are also two nic cards installed, and the other one is disabled. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.