Yes, Websphere can be run on Windows. However, I don't have any specific numbers about whether its faster on Linux or not (My biased assumption would be "yes, its faster" ). IBM also has 60 day (I think) trial versions of Websphere, downloadable directly from IBM.
I was able to find the websphee download page through a google search so I downloaded a 60 day windows trial version. I would still like to ask what eactly is websphere? I thought it was a web server but now I'm not sure. Also can you reccomend a book for a beginner to websphere?
I'm interested in learning websphere too if anyone can give me any pointers on the best way to get started / get into it. I have a background in Java, but J2SE rather than J2EE.
I also started learning EJB's and WSAD 2 months ago. These are the books I am currently using and in my case(I had already experience with J2SE, servlets, jsp and struts) they are just what I needed:
I'm learning it on the windows platform but I'm also going to try the linux version later on. Don't know about a free learning version. I'm learning it in a course center where wsad is available.
As for the administration books these results came up when searching the ibm redbooks:
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