Does anyone know what causes Microstrategy Intelligence Server to stop running for no apparent reason?
We have intelligence server running exclusivley on one machine with enough processor power / memory etc. Every so often, at random intervals, the service just stops. Sometimes it happens 3 or 4 times a week, then the problem might not happen for a month then it happens again. None of the error logs report anything apart from the NT App Log which records the date/time when the serivce stopped.
It is as if someone has just stopped the service ... and I have checked for this as a possible cause
We have intelligence server running exclusivley on one machine with enough processor power / memory etc. Every so often, at random intervals, the service just stops. Sometimes it happens 3 or 4 times a week, then the problem might not happen for a month then it happens again. None of the error logs report anything apart from the NT App Log which records the date/time when the serivce stopped.
It is as if someone has just stopped the service ... and I have checked for this as a possible cause