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Integrating SAP and vb

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Mar 7, 2003
Hi all,

Assuming to have successfully installed DCOM (tested to be OK with the sample vb programs that comes with the package), do you know how I can export the result (a table) of an ABAP report (ZSDREP01) into visual basic, as an ADO recordset?

Within visual basic, I should call the ABAP report, passing to it the relevant selection fields (for instance, date from - to, sales organization, sales office) and then get the resulting table into vb. Do you know how to implement it? Which are the BAPI's to use?

Thank you very much indeed for any help.



First make a .DLL with DCOM using a table read BAPI.
You will need to do a BAPI search in SAP to find the exact name in your SAP instance.

To use the BAPI there are Three parts.
Part 1. Get a SAP session in the VB program.
Part 2. Define the table, fields, and selection criteria
Part 3. Convert the delimited data into a recordset.

I have several examples if you want.

Good luck

I would love to see some examples of this...specifically within the context of table reads using BAPI....I would appreciate any info, posted here or sent to my email address at pcardoso@pcdevsolutions.com

Thanks in advance!

Pedro Cardoso
A.K.A CanadianTechie
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your reply.
Well, I would be very very interested in the examples you mention. If you could post them here it will be fine.

Thank you very much indeed !
Hi Paul,

I would like to get examples as well. Appreciate if you could send to my email at info@ssw.ie

Thanks in advance,
Hi Paul,
Can you please send the examples to me (pohling@idt.com) as well.

Poh Ling
Hi Paul would you mind sending me a copy of the examples as well (pclark@blount.ca).

Thanks in advance,
Hi Paul,

Can you please send the examples to me (sean.connole@b-and-q.co.uk) as well.

Sean Connole
Hello Paul

If it's not too much trouble I too would appreciate a copy.

Thanks for sharing!

I'm interested as well...

Can you just paste the examples here...


Visit My Site
PROGRAMMER: (n) Red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects.
I too would appreciate a copy.

Here is a code sample we have put together to use BAPI from MS Access, but VB concept should hold. This sample logs into SAP, adds records and retrieves SAP document numbers from uploaded records. Getting any examples of this from anywhere is a real nightmare.

Hope this helps people.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Const mstrSAPLogicalSystem As String = "FinCBE"
Const mstrSAPInvoiceObjType As String = "IBKPF"
Const mstrSAPInvoiceDocType As String = "KR"
Const mstrSAPCreditDocType As String = "KG"
Const mstrSAPAccountKey As String = "VST"
Const mstrSAPInvoiceCurrency As String = "GBP"
Const mstrSAPReversalReason As String = "Z1"

'BAPI Controls
Public oBAPICtrl As Object
Public oSAPConnection As Object

'BAPI functions
Dim oPostInvoice As Object
Dim oBAPIService As Object
Dim oVendorStatement As Object

'Input structures
Dim oDocumentHeader As Object
Dim oAccountPayable As Object
Dim oAccountGL As Object
Dim oAccountTax As Object
Dim oCurrencyAmount As Object
Dim oReverseInvoice As Object

'Output Structures
Dim oInvoiceReturn As Object
Dim oCommitReturn As Object
Dim oStmtReturn As Object
Dim oLineItems As Object

' Dummy structure to hold initialised BAPI structures, prevents another call to the BAPI
Type iniBAPI
DocumentHeader As Object
AccountPayable As Object
AccountGL As Object
AccountTax As Object
CurrencyAmount As Object
InvoiceReturn As Object
CommitReturn As Object
StmtReturn As Object
LineItems As Object
ReverseInvoice As Object
End Type

'Global variables
Public gstrBAPIMessage As String

'Local module variables
Dim mSuccess As Boolean
Dim mLastSAPDoc As String
Dim mdfBAPI As iniBAPI
Dim mvarReturn

Public Function SAPLogin(Optional abUnattended As Boolean = False) As Boolean
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' AUTHOR: Nick Fry
' NARRATIVE: Establishes a connection with SAP
' HISTORY: 11-Feb-2005 NF Created
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parameters reqd : abAttended - Is this an Attended or Unattended login
Dim lConnect As Long

Set oBAPICtrl = Nothing
Set oSAPConnection = Nothing
Set oPostInvoice = Nothing
Set oBAPIService = Nothing
Set oVendorStatement = Nothing

Set oBAPICtrl = CreateObject("SAP.BAPI.1")
Set oSAPConnection = oBAPICtrl.Connection
If gstrSAPDebug Then
oSAPConnection.TraceLevel = gstrSAPTraceLevel
oBAPICtrl.LogLevel = gstrSAPLogLevel
oBAPICtrl.LogFileName = gstrSAPLogFile
End If

oSAPConnection.ApplicationServer = gstrSAPLogonAppServer
oSAPConnection.Client = gstrSAPLogonClient
oSAPConnection.Destination = gstrSAPLogonDest
oSAPConnection.System = gstrSAPLogonSystem
oSAPConnection.SystemID = gstrSAPLogonSystemID

If abUnattended Then
oSAPConnection.User = gstrSAPStagUser
oSAPConnection.Password = gstrSAPStagPswd
' Else
' DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmSAPLogin")
End If

'Perform a remote logon to the R/3 System
lConnect = 0
SAPLogin = oSAPConnection.Logon(lConnect, abUnattended)

End Function

Public Function ReverseInvoices(aoRS As ADODB.Recordset, auDoc() As ReturnDoc, abBatch As Boolean, Optional aLog As Integer, Optional asLogFile As String = "")
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' MODULE: ReverseInvoices
' AUTHOR: Nick Fry
' NARRATIVE: Excute SAP BAPI function to reverse existing invoices
' from a recordset and return the document numbers
' HISTORY: 11-Feb-2005 NF Created
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parameters reqd : abAttended - Is this an Attended or Unattended login
Dim vObjType, vObjKey, vObjSys
Dim bCheckReverse As Boolean
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lSuccess As Long
Dim lFailure As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim strErr As String

If oPostInvoice Is Nothing Then
Set oPostInvoice = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("AcctngInvoiceReceipt")
End If

'Set up general services
If oBAPIService Is Nothing Then
Set oBAPIService = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("BapiService")
End If

Do Until aoRS.EOF
ReDim Preserve auDoc(lCount)
' Check SAP connection and attempt to re-establish if broken
If oSAPConnection Is Nothing Then
mSuccess = SAPLogin(abBatch)
If mSuccess Then
If oPostInvoice Is Nothing Then
Set oPostInvoice = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("AcctngInvoiceReceipt")
End If
If oBAPIService Is Nothing Then
Set oBAPIService = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("BapiService")
End If
Err.Raise 50010, "ReverseInvoices", "SAPLogin - unable to re-establish connection"
End If
End If

'Reinitialise structures
Set oReverseInvoice = Nothing
Set oInvoiceReturn = Nothing
Set oCommitReturn = Nothing
Set oReverseInvoice = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Reverse", "Reversal")
Set oInvoiceReturn = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Reverse", "Return")
Set oCommitReturn = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oBAPIService, "TransactionCommit", "Return")

'Set up the reversal structure
oReverseInvoice.Value("OBJ_TYPE") = mstrSAPInvoiceObjType
oReverseInvoice.Value("OBJ_KEY") = aoRS!DocumentRef
oReverseInvoice.Value("OBJ_SYS") = mstrSAPLogicalSystem
oReverseInvoice.Value("OBJ_KEY_R") = aoRS!DocumentRef
oReverseInvoice.Value("PSTNG_DATE") = CDate(aoRS!PostingDate)
oReverseInvoice.Value("FIS_PERIOD") = aoRS!FisPeriod
oReverseInvoice.Value("COMP_CODE") = aoRS!CompanyCode
oReverseInvoice.Value("REASON_REV") = mstrSAPReversalReason
oReverseInvoice.Value("AC_DOC_NO") = aoRS!SAPDocumentNo

'Reverse the invoice
oPostInvoice.Reverse Reversal:=oReverseInvoice, _
ObjType:=vObjType, _
ObjKey:=vObjKey, _
Return:=oInvoiceReturn, _

'Handle errors at the remote call
bCheckReverse = True
If Not (oInvoiceReturn Is Nothing) Then
gstrBAPIMessage = ""
For i = 1 To oInvoiceReturn.rowCount
If oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "TYPE") <> "" And oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "TYPE") <> "S" Then
bCheckReverse = False
End If
gstrBAPIMessage = gstrBAPIMessage + vbCRLF + "* " + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "TYPE") + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "NUMBER") + ": " + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE") + "(" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V1") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V2") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V3") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V4") + ")"
strErr = "* " + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "TYPE") + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "NUMBER") + ": " + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE") + "(" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V1") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V2") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V3") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V4") + ")"
End If

If gstrBAPIMessage <> "" Then
gstrBAPIMessage = vbCRLF & "Reversing " & aoRS!DocumentText & gstrBAPIMessage
If Not (asLogFile = "") Then Print #aLog, gstrBAPIMessage
If Not abBatch And Not bCheckReverse Then MsgBox gstrBAPIMessage, vbInformation, "Check Invoice"
End If

If bCheckReverse Then
' Commit the reverse so that we can get the document number
oBAPIService.TransactionCommit Wait:="X", _

' Key the vendor statement object to the current vendor
Set oVendorStatement = Nothing
Set oVendorStatement = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("APAccount", aoRS!CompanyCode, aoRS!VendorNumber)
Set oLineItems = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oVendorStatement, "GetBalancedItems", "LineItems")
Set oStmtReturn = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oVendorStatement, "GetBalancedItems", "Return")

' Retrieve a statement of balanced items for the vendor
oVendorStatement.GetBalancedItems DateFrom:=oReverseInvoice.Value("PSTNG_DATE"), _
DateTo:=oReverseInvoice.Value("PSTNG_DATE"), _
LineItems:=oLineItems, _

' Loop through the items to match the one just posted
For i = oLineItems.rowCount To 1 Step -1
If UCase(oLineItems.Value(i, "ALLOC_NMBR")) = UCase(oReverseInvoice.Value("OBJ_KEY_R")) _
And oLineItems.Value(i, "DOC_NO") = aoRS!SAPDocumentNo Then
mLastSAPDoc = oLineItems.Value(i, "REVERSAL_DOC")
If Not (asLogFile = "") Then Print #aLog, "Document reversed on " & mLastSAPDoc
Exit For
End If

' Store the result for return
lSuccess = lSuccess + 1
auDoc(lCount).ID = aoRS!InvoiceID
auDoc(lCount).Success = True
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = aoRS!SAPDocumentNo
auDoc(lCount).SAPRevNo = mLastSAPDoc
auDoc(lCount).FailReason = ""

' Store the result for return
lFailure = lFailure + 1
auDoc(lCount).ID = aoRS!InvoiceID
auDoc(lCount).Success = False
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = aoRS!SAPDocumentNo
auDoc(lCount).FailReason = strErr

End If
mvarReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, lCount)
lCount = lCount + 1


If Not (asLogFile = "") Then Print #aLog, vbCRLF & "Reverse Invoices: Processed " & Format(lCount, "#,##0") & ", Reversed: " & Format(lSuccess, "#,##0") & ", Failed: " & Format(lFailure, "#,##0") & vbCRLF

ReverseInvoices = True

End Function

Public Function PostNewInvoices(aoRS As ADODB.Recordset, auDoc() As ReturnDoc, abBatch As Boolean, Optional aLog As Integer, Optional asLogFile As String = "")
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' MODULE: PostNewInvoices
' AUTHOR: Nick Fry
' NARRATIVE: Excute SAP BAPI function to check and post new invoices
' from a recordset and return the document numbers
' HISTORY: 11-Feb-2005 NF Created
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parameters reqd : aoRS - Recordset of new invoices or credit notes to be posted
' auDoc - structure in which to return posted invoice numbers
' abBatch - attended or unattended logon
' aLog+asLogFile - name and number of logfile if required

PostNewInvoices = False

Dim sLastRef As String
Dim sLastSAPDoc As String
Dim lRead As Long
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lSuccess As Long
Dim lFailure As Long
Dim lItem As Long
Dim lAPRow As Long
Dim lGLRow As Long
Dim lTaxRow As Long
Dim bPost As Boolean

bPost = False
lCount = 0
lItem = 0
lAPRow = 0
lGLRow = 0
lTaxRow = 0
lRead = 1

Do Until aoRS.EOF
ReDim Preserve auDoc(lCount)
' Check SAP connection and attempt to re-establish if broken
If oSAPConnection Is Nothing Then
mSuccess = SAPLogin(abBatch)
If mSuccess Then
Call InitInvoiceStructures
sLastRef = ""
bPost = False
Err.Raise 50010, "PostNewInvoices", "SAPLogin - unable to re-establish connection"
End If
End If

If aoRS!InvoiceID <> sLastRef Then
If bPost Then
mSuccess = PostInvoice(oDocumentHeader.Value("COMP_CODE"), oAccountPayable.Cell(1, "VENDOR_NO"), abBatch, aLog, asLogFile)
auDoc(lCount).ID = sLastRef
If mSuccess Then
auDoc(lCount).Success = True
lSuccess = lSuccess + 1
If sLastSAPDoc = "" Then
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = mLastSAPDoc
auDoc(lCount).SAPRevNo = ""
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = sLastSAPDoc
auDoc(lCount).SAPRevNo = mLastSAPDoc
End If
auDoc(lCount).FailReason = ""
lFailure = lFailure + 1
auDoc(lCount).Success = False
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = sLastSAPDoc
auDoc(lCount).FailReason = gstrBAPIMessage
End If
bPost = False
lCount = lCount + 1
lItem = 0
lAPRow = 0
lGLRow = 0
lTaxRow = 0
End If

'Reset structures
Call InitInvoiceStructures

'Store this invoice reference
sLastRef = aoRS!InvoiceID
sLastSAPDoc = aoRS!SAPDocumentNo
End If

If Not bPost Then
' Store the header and Vendor details
' Header Details
oDocumentHeader.Value("OBJ_TYPE") = mstrSAPInvoiceObjType
oDocumentHeader.Value("OBJ_KEY") = aoRS!DocumentRef
oDocumentHeader.Value("OBJ_SYS") = mstrSAPLogicalSystem
oDocumentHeader.Value("USERNAME") = gfsNetworkUserID
oDocumentHeader.Value("HEADER_TXT") = aoRS!HeaderText
oDocumentHeader.Value("COMP_CODE") = aoRS!CompanyCode
oDocumentHeader.Value("FISC_YEAR") = aoRS!FisYear
oDocumentHeader.Value("DOC_DATE") = CDate(aoRS!DocumentDate)
oDocumentHeader.Value("PSTNG_DATE") = CDate(aoRS!PostingDate)
oDocumentHeader.Value("FIS_PERIOD") = aoRS!FisPeriod
If aoRS!SAPDocumentNo = "" Then
oDocumentHeader.Value("DOC_TYPE") = mstrSAPInvoiceDocType
oDocumentHeader.Value("DOC_TYPE") = mstrSAPCreditDocType
End If
oDocumentHeader.Value("REF_DOC_NO") = aoRS!DocumentRef

'Vendor details
lItem = lItem + 1
lAPRow = lAPRow + 1
oAccountPayable.Cell(lAPRow, "ITEMNO_ACC") = lItem
oAccountPayable.Cell(lAPRow, "VENDOR_NO") = aoRS!VendorNumber
oAccountPayable.Cell(lAPRow, "ITEM_TEXT") = aoRS!DocumentText

'Currency row for vendor line
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "ITEMNO_ACC") = lItem
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "CURRENCY") = mstrSAPInvoiceCurrency
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "AMT_DOCCUR") = aoRS!VendorAmount
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "AMT_BASE") = aoRS!GLAmount

bPost = True

End If

' GL Details
lItem = lItem + 1
lGLRow = lGLRow + 1
oAccountGL.Cell(lGLRow, "ITEMNO_ACC") = lItem
oAccountGL.Cell(lGLRow, "GL_ACCOUNT") = aoRS!GLAccount
oAccountGL.Cell(lGLRow, "TAX_CODE") = aoRS!TaxCode
oAccountGL.Cell(lGLRow, "FISC_YEAR") = aoRS!FisYear
oAccountGL.Cell(lGLRow, "FIS_PERIOD") = aoRS!FisPeriod
oAccountGL.Cell(lGLRow, "ITEM_TEXT") = aoRS!DocumentText
oAccountGL.Cell(lGLRow, "COSTCENTER") = aoRS!CostCentre

'Currency row for GL line
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "ITEMNO_ACC") = lItem
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "CURRENCY") = mstrSAPInvoiceCurrency
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "AMT_DOCCUR") = aoRS!GLAmount
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "AMT_BASE") = aoRS!GLAmount

' Tax Details
lItem = lItem + 1
lTaxRow = lTaxRow + 1
oAccountTax.Cell(lTaxRow, "ITEMNO_ACC") = lItem
oAccountTax.Cell(lTaxRow, "TAX_CODE") = aoRS!TaxCode
oAccountTax.Cell(lTaxRow, "GL_ACCOUNT") = aoRS!TaxAccount
oAccountTax.Cell(lTaxRow, "ACCT_KEY") = mstrSAPAccountKey

'Currency row for GL line
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "ITEMNO_ACC") = lItem
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "CURRENCY") = mstrSAPInvoiceCurrency
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "AMT_DOCCUR") = aoRS!TaxAmount
oCurrencyAmount.Cell(lItem, "AMT_BASE") = aoRS!GLAmount

mvarReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, lRead)

If Not aoRS.EOF Then lRead = lRead + 1


' Is there one last item to output?
If bPost Then
mSuccess = PostInvoice(oDocumentHeader.Value("COMP_CODE"), oAccountPayable.Cell(1, "VENDOR_NO"), abBatch, aLog, asLogFile)
ReDim Preserve auDoc(lCount)
auDoc(lCount).ID = sLastRef
If mSuccess Then
lSuccess = lSuccess + 1
auDoc(lCount).Success = True
If sLastSAPDoc = "" Then
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = mLastSAPDoc
auDoc(lCount).SAPRevNo = ""
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = sLastSAPDoc
auDoc(lCount).SAPRevNo = mLastSAPDoc
End If
auDoc(lCount).FailReason = ""
lFailure = lFailure + 1
auDoc(lCount).Success = False
auDoc(lCount).SAPDocNo = sLastSAPDoc
auDoc(lCount).FailReason = gstrBAPIMessage
End If
End If

If Not (asLogFile = "") Then Print #aLog, vbCRLF & "Post Invoices/CreditNotes: Processed " & Format(lRead, "#,##0") & ", Posted: " & Format(lSuccess, "#,##0") & ", Failed: " & Format(lFailure, "#,##0") & vbCRLF

PostNewInvoices = True

End Function

Private Sub InitInvoiceStructures()
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' MODULE: InitInvoiceStructures
' AUTHOR: Nick Fry
' NARRATIVE: Initializes the BAPI structures used to Post Invoices
' from a recordset and return the document numbers
' HISTORY: 11-Feb-2005 NF Created
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parameters reqd : abAttended - Is this an Attended or Unattended login

'Create local instance of BAPI
If oPostInvoice Is Nothing Then
Set oPostInvoice = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("AcctngInvoiceReceipt")
End If

'Set up general services
If oBAPIService Is Nothing Then
Set oBAPIService = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("BapiService")
End If

'Destroy current structures
Set oDocumentHeader = Nothing
Set oAccountPayable = Nothing
Set oAccountGL = Nothing
Set oAccountTax = Nothing
Set oCurrencyAmount = Nothing
Set oInvoiceReturn = Nothing
Set oCommitReturn = Nothing

'Create a new table or structure
Set oDocumentHeader = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Post", "DocumentHeader")
Set oAccountPayable = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Post", "AccountPayable")
Set oAccountGL = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Post", "AccountGL")
Set oAccountTax = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Post", "AccountTax")
Set oCurrencyAmount = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Post", "CurrencyAmount")
Set oInvoiceReturn = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oPostInvoice, "Post", "Return")
Set oCommitReturn = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oBAPIService, "TransactionCommit", "Return")

End Sub

Private Function PostInvoice(asCompany As String, asVendor As String, abBatch As Boolean, Optional aLog As Integer, Optional asLogFile As String = "")
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' MODULE: PostInvoice
' AUTHOR: Nick Fry
' NARRATIVE: Calls the BAPI functions to Check, Post and Commit the
' Invoice and then read back open items for the vendor to
' get the SAP document number.
' HISTORY: 11-Feb-2005 NF Created
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' Parameters reqd : asCompany + asVendor - who this is posting to so we can retrieve line items

Dim bCheckValid As Boolean
Dim i As Long

PostInvoice = False

'Perform a validation check on the details set up first
oPostInvoice.Check DocumentHeader:=oDocumentHeader, _
AccountPayable:=oAccountPayable, _
AccountGL:=oAccountGL, _
AccountTax:=oAccountTax, _
CurrencyAmount:=oCurrencyAmount, _

'Handle errors at the remote call
bCheckValid = True
If Not (oInvoiceReturn Is Nothing) Then
gstrBAPIMessage = ""
For i = 1 To oInvoiceReturn.rowCount
If oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "TYPE") <> "" And oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "TYPE") <> "S" Then
bCheckValid = False
End If
gstrBAPIMessage = gstrBAPIMessage + vbCRLF + "* " + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "TYPE") + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "NUMBER") + ": " + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE") + "(" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V1") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V2") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V3") + ";" + oInvoiceReturn.Value(i, "MESSAGE_V4") + ")"
End If

If gstrBAPIMessage <> "" Then
'gstrBAPIMessage = "Posting " & oDocumentHeader.Value("REF_DOC_NO") & "-" & oDocumentHeader.Value("DOC_DATE") & vbCRLF & gstrBAPIMessage
If Not (asLogFile = "") Then Print #aLog, gstrBAPIMessage
If Not abBatch And Not bCheckValid Then MsgBox gstrBAPIMessage, vbInformation, "Check Invoice"
End If

If bCheckValid Then
' Post the invoice
oPostInvoice.Post DocumentHeader:=oDocumentHeader, _
AccountPayable:=oAccountPayable, _
AccountGL:=oAccountGL, _
AccountTax:=oAccountTax, _
CurrencyAmount:=oCurrencyAmount, _

' Commit the post so that we can get the document number
oBAPIService.TransactionCommit Wait:="X", _

' Key the vendor statement object to the current vendor
Set oVendorStatement = Nothing
Set oVendorStatement = oBAPICtrl.GetSAPObject("APAccount", asCompany, asVendor)
Set oLineItems = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oVendorStatement, "GetOpenItems", "LineItems")
Set oStmtReturn = oBAPICtrl.DimAs(oVendorStatement, "GetOpenItems", "Return")

' Retrieve a statement of open items for the vendor
oVendorStatement.GetOpenItems KeyDate:=oDocumentHeader.Value("PSTNG_DATE"), _
LineItems:=oLineItems, _

' Loop through the items to match the one just posted
For i = oLineItems.rowCount To 1 Step -1
If UCase(oLineItems.Value(i, "ALLOC_NMBR")) = UCase(oDocumentHeader.Value("REF_DOC_NO")) Then
mLastSAPDoc = oLineItems.Value(i, "DOC_NO")
If Not (asLogFile = "") Then Print #aLog, "Document posted to " & mLastSAPDoc
Exit For
End If
End If

PostInvoice = True

End Function


I suspect Paul is getting fed up of Emailing the examples, so if anyone of you who have received it wouldnt mind sending me a copy, it would be appreciated. My add is ianrasor@liberata.com.

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Part and Inventory Search

