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Insufficient Memory - FP2.5b in DOS window W98 1

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Jun 9, 2000
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Have just installed FP25 on latest computer in order to make changes to an old application. When re-building this old project I get an insufficient memory message (Builds so far, then hangs). Can anyone help me out with the settings for a DOS window in Win'98 to get FP2.5 to run correctly. I've tried many combinations including MSDOS modes, foxpro.exe and foxprox.exe, increased MVCOUNTS, reduced MEMLIMITS, not allowing screen saver, and in config.sys:<br><br>DOS=HIGH,UMB<br>Device=C:\WINDOWS\Himem.Sys<br>DeviceHigh=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.Exe<br><br>The most I can get out 'MS DOS memory available' is 455k.<br><br>The program used to run OK on old 386/4MB ram years ago. The system now is a P2-233/64Mb.<br><br>Bob.<br>
I do not think your problem is memory, What is the Size and Type of the Hard Drive you are building the applicaiton on?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FP25 DOS can not write to drives larger than 2gig UNLESS it is a networked shared drive that fakes out the available free space to DOS. <br> <p>David W. Grewe<br><a href=mailto:Dave@internationalbid.net>Dave@internationalbid.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Thanks Dave,<br>The HD is 8Gb IDE.<br>I transferred the whole of FP, the application and the data files to a 1Gb partition (on a 4Gb drive) and tied again. Still no luck though. Don't know whether this would have worked as regards your comments.<br><br>Bob.
Oh Well, That was my best guess.&nbsp;&nbsp;Hope Someone else can think of something. <p>David W. Grewe<br><a href=mailto:Dave@internationalbid.net>Dave@internationalbid.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
I have just upgraded my system. It is no 128 meg ram and 4 gig disk. FP25 responds with &quot;FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE&quot; when trying to build a stand alone exe. I have reinstalled FP25 with no luck. I think it is a memory problem but basically have no clue.

I had a problem very similar to this using Fox 2.6 for DOS.
After to speaking to the guys in tektips I tried a million and one different things until i worked out that it was a corrupt project and had to rebuild the project. Obviously the error message was wrong! I don't know whether this will work in Fox 2.5 but it might be worth a try.

I am running FoxPro vs 2.0 on a Win95 SR2 portable 166 MHZ, an NT4.0 200 MHZ
and an 800 MHZ Win2oooK machine. I am able to run it in a window on anyof these in regular mode but not in Extended Mode. I am able to run it in Extended mode in pure
DOS on all of them. I recently had the experience of getting the &quot;feature not found&quot; error on the 200 MHZ machine followed by a host of others including &quot;not a valid FXP file&quot;. I copied the prg files from te Portable to the problem machine and it was up and running with no problems. Somehow the files had become corrupted. I always keep as clean as possible backup copies.
I have a legacy furniture ap that I maintain on a new 700 Mz P-III with 128MB and 10 GB. The furniture application was written in FP2.5 and performs fine on this machine. It is also installed in runtime on an assortment of Pc's from WKW TO wINDOWS 2000. On all machines it will run either windowed on with the &quot;full screen&quot; option selected. All the memory settings in the shortcut are &quot;auto&quot;. The only line that the config.sys needs is Files=(over 50). Perhaps you have too much in the config.sys or in your config.fp.
Thanks for the response but the problem is with the extended memory manager.
The program runs fine using Foxpro.exe, the non-extemded versopm. Itis when Iuse
Foxprox.exe to start it (extenedd version that reauires a memory manager that I have problems.

The reason I need the extended version is theat some features of the program run very fast if I can put data in an array rather than in a dbf files. There is a factor of
60 in speed and I would like to have that.

Morton Kaplon
Try including the following lines in the CONFIG.SYS (if they are not present). The order of these entries is also important so if they are in different order change the same.

FILES = 100

You can put any reasonable values for Files &amp; Buffers. In Emm386 the important entry is &quot;RAM&quot; ... I am not sure what it does (it's been ages since I have done this) but you can check it out ... I think this will do the trick for you.
Increase the MEMLIMIT setting in CONFIG.FPW. For example, the following statement allocates 80 percent of your system's available memory to FoxPro with a minimum allocation of 4096K and a maximum of 8192K: MEMLIMIT = 80, 4096, 8192
I use that and Work Succecsfully!
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