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Installing Windows 2000 onto 98 probs

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Technical User
Dec 18, 2004

Just wondering if anyone can help me through on upgrading windows 98 to 2000. I have checked on the microsoft site to see if my computer was compatiable, which it was.
My problem is, it gets to the final stages of installing it, which is the page which shows:

Performing final tasks

Installs start menu items ( which is ok)
Registers Components (which is also ok)

But when it gets to the 'Upgrades Programs & System Settings' it does about 40% of it then hangs for about half an hour then reboots and starts the process all over again and just does the same thing everytime.

can anyone help me please? much appreaciated.

I've read that it could be something to do with the BIOS settings is this true? Or would it help if I used a Windows 2000 boot disc?

System AMD Athlon, 900 MHz
If your BIOS settings worked with Windows 98, they will work with Windows 2000. And your hardware should have no problem running 2000, assuming you have at least 1GB of disc space for the system.

I would never "upgrade" an OS to a different one, particularly when the two OS's are so different, as Windows 98 and 2000 are. It's much better to re-install the OS from scratch, formatting the hard-disc as part of the process. That would involve using a Windows 2000 boot CD, or boot floppies which can be created by using the program in the Bootdisk directory on the CD.

Of course, you'll have to backup your valuable data before you start.
Would agree with TonyGroves. Your problem could be caused by bad hardware (which 98 tolerated - 2k is more sensitive to bad hardware). Or it might be due to something from the 98 installation (more likely in this context).

Can you slave the drive in another machine so you can back up (of course you may already have backed up before you started upgrade - this would be recommended course of action) you data - then try clean installing 2k? If this also has problems - then its probably hardware. You will of course have to reinstall your software & reset up machine as you want it - but the end result will be much more reliable than the upgrade.

If you can't retrieve your data, you could try a repair reinstall (not sure if this would work as the upgrade hasn't completed - and it might have the same problem if it does):-

PS. You could also see if the the install will complete if you disconnect/turn off in bios some of the hardware - eg sound, modem, network cards etc.
Thanks for your replies.

I have backed everything up, just incase this sort of thing happened.

But for me to be able to start everything again, how do I go about doing it? As trying to use the 98 boot disc I can't get anywhere as there is already half of win2000 on there and nothing happens with the boot disc.
Before I do that, i'll try what you said 'Wolluf' about disabling some of the hardware and see if that works.
You would be better off by going out and purchasing a good partitioning program (Partition Magic?) Re-partition and reformat your hard drive. Then install your OS. Upgrading from a previous version is seldom done without problems. I ALWAYS wipe my drive first, then do a fresh install. Makes the whole process easier, and in the end generally takes less time and aggreviation.
I already have partiton magic and my drives where partitoned when i started the upgrade. But I really don't want to have to lose most of my programs witha fresh install.
I have also been told what could be causing it to freeze is because I have things plugged into the USB ports too. I'll have ago at all these things tonight when i finish work.
Did this problem get resolved? I am running into the same problem trying to upgrade a Win98SE machine here and have pulled my hair out trying to get this to work. Any help would be appreciated to keep from doing a reformat and clan install. There are some applications here that I cannot duplicate, even though the hard drive is backed up.
dsoutherland - is your post from Jan 10 the same problem?

I suspect you'll have to bite the bullet, and do a clean install if you want 2k. Then try to get the problem applications working manually - presume you have no install files (eg, copy the folders they are installed in to 2k install, try running executable, noting system files missing, locating and loading these in the system folder etc). May not work of course. And problem may be with the machines hardware, not just the upgrade process. Presumably machine you are trying to upgrade is currently unusable?
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